The Rector of UGM, Professor Ova Emilia, MD, inaugurated 90 managerial officials for positions such as Directors, the University Secretary, Bureau Heads, Directorate Secretaries, and various other posts on Thursday (13/7) at Grha Sabha Pramana, UGM.
During the same event, the rector also inaugurated 248 functional officers in 18 faculties, two schools, and 25 work units.
“Congratulations on assuming your duties. May the Almighty God guide you in carrying out your responsibilities,” said the rector after inaugurating the officials.
Professor Emilia explained that the ongoing organizational transformation at UGM is a response to various challenges and an effort to establish more dynamic, responsive, and innovative working units.
According to the rector, the leaders within the work units have the responsibility and mandate to advance UGM while preserving its character. This is crucial because UGM competes not only at the national level but also represents Indonesian higher education in the global arena.
“I believe that all of you who have received these mandates can carry out your responsibilities in managerial and functional areas, as you are potential figures ready and capable of being catalysts for UGM’s performance,” she stated.
“Maintaining two-way interactions and effective communication is crucial. I trust you will fulfill your duties according to the responsibilities given.”
Some of the managerial officials inaugurated this occasion include Dr. Hatma Suryatmojo as the Director of Academic Studies and Innovation, Professor Puji Astuti as the Director of Partnerships and Global Relations, Dr. Hargo Utomo as the Director of Business Development, Professor Ridi Ferdiana as the Director of Information Technology, and Andi Sandi Antonius Tabusassa Tonralipu as the University Secretary.
Among the Bureau Heads, Dr. Veri Antoni was inaugurated as the Head of the Legal and Organizational Bureau, Dr. Wirastuti Widyatmanti as the Head of the Strategic Management Bureau, Dr. Andreasta Meliala, MD, as the Head of the Integrated Health Services Bureau, and Dr. Mardhani Riasetiawan as the Head of the Digital Transformation Bureau.
Author: Gloria
Photographer: Firsto