Bosowa University (Unibos) has collaborated with Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to develop the talents of lecturers and non-teaching staff to improve the quality of Bosowa University’s tertiary education.
UGM is not only involved in education but is also requested to guide research and community service activities to enhance the recognition and reputation of Bosowa University.
This was discussed in a meeting between the Rector of UGM, Professor Ova Emilia, and the Rector of Bosowa University, Professor Batara Surya, on Monday (November 27) in Yogyakarta.
Professor Surya stated that Bosowa University, as a private campus, is currently developing its educational and teaching sector by strengthening the quality of human resources, especially lecturers and non-teaching staff.
He hopes that more Bosowa University lecturers will be able to continue their education in postgraduate programs at UGM.
“Currently, we are focused on human resource development. We see many collaborative opportunities, especially in developing our young lecturers,” he said.
To support administrative and educational activities, Professor Surya hopes to receive direct assistance from several faculties and units at UGM.
“The guidance from UGM, faculties, and work units can provide some knowledge and insights, allowing us to learn to improve our campus’s capabilities. In any case, private universities are now competing with each other,” he said.
He mentioned that Bosowa University has around ten faculties that provide education at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, especially for the master’s degree.
He hopes that by educating these young lecturers, they can later transmit their knowledge and insights to Bosowa University students.
Professor Ova Emilia stated that UGM has 18 faculties and two schools, with 270 study programs at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. The program choices are expected to support Bosowa University’s human resource development.
“For the development of human resources at the master’s and doctoral levels, many programs are available, and collaboration can be done,” she said.
The Rector of UGM hopes that in the future, lecturers from Bosowa University who will continue their postgraduate education will not only pursue academic degrees but also produce excellent research works that can increase the number of publications and citations for the lecturers themselves.
“Not just pursuing titles, but producing works for the sake of publications and citations is important for the interests of Bosowa, both in terms of human resources and the student’s learning interests,” she explained.
During the occasion, Professor Emilia also mentioned that UGM is initiating a program to develop interdisciplinary student talents. This program will be implemented in 2024, coinciding with the start of the UGM student hub GIK.
“We are creating a program similar to MBKM but expanded by providing opportunities for students from outside UGM to enter (study) at UGM. About 60 percent of the students come from outside. The opportunities are quite large and can be introduced to Bosowa students,” she explained.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photographer: Firsto