In commemorating the Birth of Pancasila on June 1st, the UGM Center for Pancasila Studies hosted the Opening of Pancasila Month and Wayang Kulit Performance on Saturday (10/6). The event took place offline and was live-streamed through the YouTube channel of the center.
“As an institution, the university should not be too close or distant from those in power. If it is too close, there is a concern that biases may arise and harm society. However, if it is too distant, the university will find survival difficult,” expressed Dr. Agus Wahyudi, the Head of the UGM Center for Pancasila Studies.
He explained the background of this performance with a few opening sentences.
“Can units like the UGM Center for Pancasila Studies maintain their neutrality? The answer is yes. Academics should not be neutral, but institutions can position themselves as neutral units in the current political climate,” he added.
The UGM Center for Pancasila Studies was established on the urgency of the rapid development of the times, which is feared to lead to the fading of noble national values such as Pancasila.
Through this unit, the existence of Pancasila will continue to be studied and adapted to the pace of development to remain strong and serve as a guiding principle for the nation.
“As the UGM Center for Pancasila Studies, we are committed to helping maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia through studying Pancasila values and Indonesian cultural preservation,” said Dr. Wahyudi.
The wayang kulit performance titled “Babad Alas Mertani: The Establishment of the Indraprastha/Amarta State” was skillfully presented by Ki Catur Benyek Kuncoro. Ki Catur is well-known for his critical, innovative, and humorous storytelling in wayang kulit.
This wayang kulit story carries a hidden meaning of how we must remember that the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia was not easily built. The formulation of Pancasila as the foundation of the state was a lengthy issue involving many parties.
Without the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia might still consist of regional kingdoms striving to dominate each other. Therefore, togetherness and unity are key to building a sovereign nation.
“When we talk about the value of cooperation, I believe it is between existing and non-existing. During the pandemic, everyone could see cooperation. This is what we should maintain. The value of cooperation in Pancasila has accompanied us throughout history, strengthening our country,” said Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni from the UGM Academic Senate.
Author: Tasya