The development of Pancasila for education, research, and publication on campuses must be promoted and encouraged by the government and the respective university rectors. Although some universities already teach Pancasila, research themes related to Pancasila are still relatively minimal.
Even if they exist, they usually only respond to temporal issues. Research on Pancasila is recommended to go beyond administrative reports and be continued through scientific publications, intellectual property rights (IPR), and applying its values in society.
This argument emerged during the Workshop on the Development of Pancasila Science, a collaboration between the UGM Faculty of Philosophy and PGRI Wiranegara University in Pasuruan, East Java, recently.
Dr. Heri Santoso, a lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy, emphasized that it is time for Pancasila as the foundation of the state to be translated into the Philosophy of Science at the ontological, epistemological, and axiological levels and developed into concepts, theories, methods, and exemplars that the academic community in universities should support.
“We want Pancasila to become a paradigm for the development of science and technology in Indonesia,” Heri told reporters on Monday (26/6) at the UGM campus.
Heri mentioned that in Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, it is stated that higher education in Indonesia is based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.
However, the guarantee of actualizing Pancasila in the scientific system of higher education has yet to be translated further. Meanwhile, according to him, various models for the development of Pancasila learning are possible to be realized, such as Pancasila Philosophy by Notonagoro, Pancasila Economics by Mubyarto, Prophetic Social Science by Kuntowijoyo, Indonesian Historiography by Sartono Kartodirdjo, and professional ethics.
Heri suggested that if Pancasila is to become the foundation for the development of science, Pancasila as fundamental values must be translated into the assumptions, principles, and foundations of scientific development.
Surono, a member of the Community Service Team at the UGM Graduate School, also expressed a similar view. He stated that although the legislation mentions that the higher education system is based on Pancasila, there is no guarantee in terms of implementation that our research system is based on Pancasila. In addition, he noted that quantitatively, Pancasila research in Indonesia is relatively low in the figure.
“There are not many research themes related to Pancasila. So far, research on Pancasila tends to only respond to issues and temporary funding offers, and most research results stop at administrative reports without reaching scientific publications and implementation in society,” he said.
Dr. Daryono, the Rector of PGRI Wiranegara University, welcomed the offer of collaboration from the Community Service Team of the Faculty of Philosophy in developing Pancasila learning.
“It is truly an honor for Uniwara Pasuruan to partner with the Faculty of Philosophy in developing Pancasila science at universities in East Java,” he said.
The Faculty of Philosophy carry out a collaboration for the development of Pancasila science, involving many universities in Indonesia, such as UIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh, UIN Sultan Thaha Jambi, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, State University of Padang, Pancasila University Jakarta, August 17th University Semarang, Islamic University of Mataram, Hasanuddin University, Muhammadiyah University of Gorontalo, Pattimura University, and Khairun University in Ternate, North Maluku.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photo: Freepik