Actuarial Science is a field of science that uses probability theory, mathematics, statistics, and economics to measure and calculate the financial impact of an uncertain event in the future.
Our graduates have distinctive qualities in terms of mastering the theory of actuarial science and actuarial work cycle principles, and they have abilities equivalent to actuaries or ASAI (Associate of the Society of Actuaries of Indonesia) in accordance with Indonesian Actuary Association (PAI) standards. By mastering the theories of actuarial science in depth and professional skills as an actuary, our graduates have the capacity to work in the actuarial profession and play a role in the development of actuarial science.
The curriculum of our study program is designed in accordance with the characteristics and qualifications of actuarial science graduates that meet the National Standard for Higher Education (SNPT) and the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI). The implementation of the curriculum is supported by human resources in the field of actuarial science studies, facilities, adequate computing laboratories, and collaboration with companies and institutions that employ our graduates, such as insurance companies, Financial Service Authority (OJK), and PAI.
Our graduates are able to work as (1) actuaries working in insurance companies and risk insurance institutions (life insurance, general insurance and health insurance), (2) researchers and lecturers in actuarial science programs at universities or colleges, (3) experts in the field of risk management and investment, (4) experts who arrange and manage employee benefits and pension funds in companies or institution, (5) experts in the field of regulation, such as working with OJK, and (6) actuary consultants.
“Actuarial Science UGM – Measuring the risk polishing the potential”