Master in Development Economics is an applied economics study program which combined theory and practical knowledge based on each minor concentration
All faculty members are an expertise applied economics
The only study program that administers appraisal certification education in collaboration with the Indonesian Society of Appraisers (MAPPI)
Wide range of alumni networks all over Indonesia
Career Prospects
Wide career prospect as a civil servant, especially in ministry and government area, banking area, private or public business company and entrepreneur. As a lecturer, researcher or even a consultant.
Accredited with A grade by BAN-PT
International collaboration with 7 universities in Japan: IUJ, GRIPS, Kobe, Ritsumeikan, Hiroshima, Takushoku, and Yokohama
Engage in strategic education institution such as Pusbindiklatren Bappenas, Kemenkeu RI, BPS, BPK, BPKP, DJP Kemenkeu, DJKN Kemenkeu, Dirjen Perbendaharaan
Corporation collaboration with more than 120 institutions, varies in ministry or government area