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Wanagama forest has once again been appreciated by the world.
A delegation of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has brought home a gold medal and best poster award at the 9th National Student Competition in ICT (Gemastik) from 27-29 October 2016 at Universitas Indonesia Jakarta.The gold has been won by the Rang-Rang team, consisting of M.Z.
Car designed by Semar team Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) was put in action at the Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE) 2016 at Prambanan Temple complex, Wednesday (2/11).
PT Aino Indonesia (Aino), a subsidiary of PT Gamatechno Indonesia, a business unit of PT Gama Multi Usaha Mandiri, fully supports the Bank Indonesia National Movement of Non-Cash (GNNT) by providing customized solutions of electronic money, especially for public transport which suits to the characteristics of electronic money that is intended for micropayment and quick […].
Currently, there are around 285 million of world population suffering from blindness.
As the first woman to take office as Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno Marsudi admitted that the responsibility she has to take is not easy to do.
The UGM team, Sawah Kita (Our Paddyfields), has become the second winner in the Business Idea Competition – FIF Group 2016 – organised in Kelapa Gading area, Jakarta, on 28 October 2016.
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Academic Hospital became the only State University Hospital that has been selected in the PERSI AWARDS 2016 in Jakarta.
Faculty of Biology UGM conducted tree planting activities on the Watershed of Pakerisan upstream, Sunday (30/10).
Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Asset Management, Prof. Dr.
Energy Efficient Car Contest (KMHE) 2016 was officially opened by Prof. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, in the Prambanan Temple, Tuesday (1/11).
Upwelling phenomenon is popping up in the waters of the Indian Ocean, precisely in the southern islands of Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara.
Rampoe UGM aka Aceh Community dance became the champion in the International Festival-Contest Children and Youth Creativity “The Autum Fairy Tale” in Prague, Teplice and Berlin, from October 29 until November 2, 2016.
University of Groningen has visited Universitas Gadjah Mada on Tuesday (1/11).
In 2016, World Bank has released data of economic loss due to the forest fires in 2015 which reached IDR220 trillion as well as 47 million of people getting exposed to smokes in Kalimantan and Sumatera, while claiming 19 lives.
Governor of National Defence Agency (Lemhanas), Agus Widjojo, said the index of Indonesian national resilience decreased in the years between 2014-2015 especially in terms of ideology.
Alumni of Gadjah Mada Volleyball Club (AVOGAMA) organises a reunion with the theme “Tego Smese Ra Tego Eseme”, inviting members from years 1970-2012.
Alumni association of Arabic Literature (HIMABA) study programme of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) hosts Arabic Cultural Festival for four days from 28-31 October at Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM.
Monthly dialogue, Teras Kita, which is hosted between Alumni of Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) and Kompas daily ran on Saturday (29/10) in the Auditorium of Public Works and Housing Ministry in Jakarta.
A mother class event was organised on Sunday (30/10) at the Jogja International Hospital (JIH), carrying the theme Cancer in Women, inviting speakers from among professionals, dr. Mardiah Suci H, Ph.D., Sp.PD., KHOM., (UGM Faculty of Medicine), Ambar (physiotherapist), and Love Pink community.
Alumni of Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Gadjah Mada (Kafegama) gathered together in the UC UGM on Friday (28/10).
The Universitas Gadjah Mada’s (UGM) Mino team has won a world competition in food security innovation during the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) from 26-29 October 2016 in Cambodia.
UGM’s Publishing and Publication Agency (BPP) held the first annual conference on health field, The 1st International Conference on Health Science (ICHS) 2016.
The toxin is known as a harmful compound to the health, because toxin can cause organ malfunction and metabolic process impairment in the body.
The proper age of marriage according to National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) is 21 years old for women and 25 years old for men.
Case of knock often happens to Otto ignition motor. The sound like a collision comes from explosion in auto ignition which is misfired in the combustion chamber.
At least one hundred researchers participated in the 2nd International Conference in Science and Technology (ICST) from 27-28 OCtober in Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta.
Agrarian and Spatial Affairs Minister as well as Head of National Land Agency (BPN), Sofyan Djalil, said until 2016 there were only some 44 percent of lands in Indonesia having been registered and certified.
Universitas Gadjah Mada constantly improves the capacity and quality of science it has.
Anatomic Patology lecturer in Faculty of Medicine UGM, dr.Indrawati, Sp.PA (K)., has earned a doctorate degree from the Faculty on Wednesday (26/10) for the dissertation titled Study of Factors of Clinical Prognosis, Morphology, Subtype Molecular and Interleukins 10 In Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphome.