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A dream come true might be the perfect sentence to describe the success of Muhammad Wiskha Al Hafiidh Suskalanggeng who managed to be enrolled as a student at the Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
International higher learning directory, 4 International Colleges & Universities (4ICU) has ranked UGM in the first position for popularity among Indonesian university web sites, and 75th in Asia.
Effective learning models that will be able to produce optimal learning achievement have to consider a theoretical nature as well as realistic matter.
Erwan Yova Ady Pratama was unable to hide his excitement after hearing that he finally had the opportunity for free study at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
Professor and former dean of Faculty of Philosophy UGM, Prof. Dr.
The first day back at the office at UGM after the Eid celebration 2016 was marked with gatherings between UGM leadership, staff and lecturers that was held at the Balairung hall on Monday (11/7) starting at 08.00 hours.
UGM has to grieve once again after one of its best students died during a student community service programme in Loksado, South Kalimantan on Thursday (7/7).
Siti Maqhfiroh (17) from Ngawi, East Java, has been awarded a Bidikmisi scholarship for free study at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
To mark the 28th anniversary of Magister Management study programme at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, the theme Innovation for Impact was raised to create more innovations to advance the nation through management science.
Advertisements are inseparable elements from modern economy and society. Advertisement have become a communication system and the frontlines of marketing strategies.
As many as 3,074 new students are accepted at UGM for Sarjana and diploma degrees first intake through written tests.
Heni Setiawati (39) could barely control herself when she learned that her son, Surya Panaragan, has been accepted at Fishery Resources Management at Faculty of Agriculture UGM.
UGM Students Choir has been actively participating in university events as well as national and international competitions.This year, the UGM Choir consisting of 32 students will join another international event, namely Rimini International Choral Competition to be held from 22-25 September 2016 in Rimini, Italy.
Certain people are trying to benefit from the increasing demands for food during Ramadan and Eid.
The high dependency of communities on the land as well as poor land management ability to adopt new technologies only accelerates land degradation.
Homecoming tradition is an annual phenomenon in Indonesia that became the center of attention, especially in the use of transportation means.
A team of University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) students has won the Samsung Ideaction competition which was held from 27-28 June 2016 in Jakarta.
At some points on UGM campus, you would see a green sign saying Meeting Point, Evacuation Route, or others.
The committee of Joint Admission Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN) 2016 has released its announcement on Tuesday, June 28th, 2016.
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Centre for Energy Studies has supported the government programme to address the issue of underdeveloped infrastructures for national electricity The national capacity of 53 GW in year 2015 or 210 Watts per capita is still under Singapore which is 2500 Watts per capita and Malaysia 950 Watts per capita.
In the past two decades, urbanisation has transformed the structure of Yogyakarta city.
Generally, cities in Asia that are divided by a large river are prone to floods.
Five students from the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS), Gadjah Mada University, were invited to join the Asian Graduate Student Fellowship from 22nd May to 15th July 2016 in Singapore, two from the 2013 batch (Fredy Torang and Yoga Khoiri Ali) and three from the 2014 batch (Abdul Mujib, Aziz Anwar Fachrudin, and […].
To build a safer and more environmentally friendly campus area, UGM will make arrangement on the roads of Notonegoro and East Rim.
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM UGM) has a village mentoring programme.
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s professor in animal husbandry, Prof. Dr.
Deny Hermawan is one new student who receives the government Bidik misi scholarship this year.
A delegation from UGM has won three awards at the Beijing Model United Nations (BMUN) which was held from 6-8 May 2016 at the China Foreign Affairs University.
Nadia Atina Solihati feels very happy when she passed entrance mechanism to college (SNMPTN) and accepted at Nursing Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
The South China Sea has come under the spotlight recently.