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Five students of Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS) Gadjah Mada University CRCS are invited to join the Asian Graduate Student Fellowship from May 22nd – July 15th, 2016 in Singapore, two from the 2013 batch (Fredy Torang and Yoga Khoiri Ali) and three from the 2014 batch (Abdul Mujib, Aziz Anwar Fachrudin, and Farihatul […].
Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) conducted a community empowerment programme to the disabled people of Sidomulyo village in Bantul regency in the development of chillies that are made into ground chilli and preserved chilli called as “Macamu”.
Maintaining a clean campus environment is a shared responsibility of all UGM academic community.
A total of 10 stock farmers from the district of Muara Tami, Jayapura, Papua, joined cattle farming training at UGM.
Large luggage is almost always carried by travellers. But carrying a large luggage at airport can be inconvenient.To resolve this problem, students of Universitas Gadjah Mada have created Koper Follower (Koplo), or Follower Luggage, a technology that enables the lugagge to automatically move where we go.
The increasing Indonesian population has caused people more vulnerable to diseases, including those caused or contracted by mosquito.
Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., confirms that UGM uphold academic freedom throughout the UGM academic community as well as keeping it decent and and ethical.
Five students of Midwifery Department in Vocational School UGM to create a laceration model of infant birth canal (vagina vulva).
There are still many farmers who do not understand about integrated farming well.
Four students of Animal Sciences UGM have developed a formula to prevent inflammation of the udders of dairy cows. The students (Etis Etika Cahyani, Amelia Rahmawati S, Elyda Febriana, Denies Chrispatra Ningtyas) use cacao peel waste as antiseptic to prevent mastitis.
Four students of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (DTETI), who are Muhammad Faiz Zifa, Rizal Bagja Wiguna, Wahyu Apriliyanto, and Wisnu Pamungkas, have researched the performance of arrester when it is struck by a lightning very swiftly.
Indonesia is one of world largest crude palm oil (CPO) exporters.
The student organization has a very important role in shaping the character of a student.
Casuarina equistifolia sp or Australian pine trees are commonly found in the waterfront area, including in the area of Samas Beach, Bantul.
The number of smokers in Indonesia keeps rising by year.
Introduction to the ASEAN Community is necessary for any people in the region, including children.
UGM’s English Debating Society (EDS) earned another international level achievement.
Saliva ejector is one of the most important tools in the dental and oral care procedure.
There are many ways to deliver moral values for youth so that they avoid negative attitude and keep their spirit up to fulfill their dreams.
The awareness of dental care among Indonesian children is still low.
Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) have successfully brought home plenty awards in the Bukalapak Programming Contest Season 3 that last at University Club UGM on 4 June 2016.
Consevatism, whether unconditional or conditional, has an important role for investors.
Meeting the essential nourishment for the first 1,000 days of a child is very important for the child’s mental, intellectual, and physical growth.
Awareness among Indonesian people is still very low for dental and mouth care.
Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) is one of UGM’s programs in order to create UGM as a clean and healthy environment campus.
A total of 32,606 participants took the UGM Enrollment Examination, Sunday (5/6), simultaneously in four locations, namely Yogyakarta, Pekanbaru, Balikpapan, and Jakarta.
UGM cooperates with the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two, Friday (3/6), at UGM Main Building.
Papua is known as a region with abundant natural resources and spectacular sceneries.
Lecturer at Health Polytecnique of Health Ministry Yogyakarta, Herman Santjoko, SKM, M.Si, earned a doctorate in environmental science from the Graduate School of UGM, Friday (4/6).
The warm weather often creates uncomfort in the head for people, especially women who wear hijab and athletes.