Berita Terbaru
Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada have made another achievement at the national level.
International recognition is, again, achieved by faculty member of UGM, Singgih Wijayana Ph.D, lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business.
As many as 40 food booths joined Nusantara Food and Culinary Festival on Tuesday (12/08) at Boulevard UGM.
The Center for Cultural Studies UGM is working with the Center of Educational Policy and Cultural Research, Ministry of Education and Culture, to hold a National Seminar from December 6-8th 2015.
UGM with Research and Development, Education and Training, and Information Agency (Balilatfo) of the Ministry for Villages and Underdeveloped Region and Transmigration collaborated to create prosper village through KKN (Student Community Service) program.
The ambassador of Republic of Indonesia to Egypt, Dr. Nurfaizi Suwandi, said that Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) used the chaotic situation in certain countries as their main target to be seized.
The researches that have been conducted have to be implemented in the society.
Indonesian Student Forum of Philosophy Assessment UGM (FORKAFMI UGM) collaborate with Faculty of Philosophy UGM and Student Affairs Directorate UGM held an Indonesian Youth Symposium.
As part of a series of 66th anniversary of UGM celebrations, UGM hosts a national seminar themed ‘Inclusion Harmony’ on Saturday (5/12) in Grha Sabha Pramana to give care to the people with disabilities.
For the people of Dieng in Central Java, potato has been able to change their lives.
Food and energy are important elements for a country to be sovereign.
Cataract mostly affects senior people, although in some cases children may suffer from it, too.
UGM continues to prove its role as a campus with water tower concept that always spreads kindness, happiness, and benefits for society.
Faculty of Animal Science UGM has won first place winner in the National Effective Technology Innovation (ITGN) hosted by Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Jambi University.
Lecturers with competence and experience are expected to become science leaders that can make contributions in their respective field.
It is estimated that there are 11 millions of disabled people in Indonesia.
As many as 147 lecturers and educational staff received decrees to become Civil Servants Candidates.
Young Independent Entrepreneurs programme is socialised by Mandiri Bank in cooperation with UGM Directorate for Partnership, Alumni, and International Affairs in University Club UGM on Wednesday (2/12), attended by students that already have business of their own or have an interest in doing business in the future.
Yogyakarta Health Agency recorded the number of people with HIV/AIDS since 1993 until September 2015 reached 3,147 with the majority being men at the age between 20 – 49.
UGM team snatched a first place on National Paper Competition held by Faculty of Business and Economics of Sebelas Maret University.
Celebrating UGM’s 66th Anniversary, Center of Policy and Health Management Faculty of Medicine UGM collaborating with Center of Innovation and Academic Policy, Master Program of Higher Education Management and Doctorate Program of Faculty of Medicine UGM, hold an event titled e-LEarning Forum 2015.
Amaryllis Garden that belongs to Sukadi in Patuk Gunungkidul regency was jammed by people.
“Being tomboy is a form of freedom ideology, resistance against domination of feminine and masculine values, as well as imaging gender future,” he said in the Margono Auditorium, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM, on Monday (30/11).
Poverty rate in Indonesia has decreased significantly since 2006. The figure, however, went slower in the following years.
The Halal label certification on food and beverages, medication, and cosmetics is very important and needed by consumers or producers to make sure the products they use or they produce are halal and suit to Islamic law standard.
Students of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, succeeded in achieving “The Best Team” award during the National Audit Conference, held by Universitas Indonesia on November 25th, 2015.
Student Executive Unit of Universitas Gadjah Mada held an event entitled “Aku dan Kampus Bulaksumur 49”, on Saturday (11/28) at Ghra Sabha Pramana Hall.
Former regent of Jembrana, I Gede Winasa, has governed Jembrana for two terms from 2000 – 2010 during which he led successfully before finally left office.
Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada have developed technology innovation to prevent possible maritime border violations in Indonesia.
he government is currently doing national marine spatial arrangement that is expected to be able to create a system that supports the state vision to become world maritime axis.