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Students of Animal Science of UGM became overall winner and winning all categories in the scientific gathering between Animal Sciences students from across Indonesia in 2013.
YOGYAKARTA – It is predicted that over 200 zoonoses (infection of animal disease to man) and 25 animal infectious diseases are considered threatening public health in Indonesia.
Sappanwood (secang) has long been known in Indonesia. In Aceh it is known as seupeueng, in Minangkabau it is called lacang, in Java and Sunda (West Java) it is called secang.
YOGYAKARTA – Supramolecul chemistry and nanotechnology are new technologies that have been developed successfully by men.
Universitas Gadjah Mada was grieving. One of its best sons, Prof. Dr.
Another student of UGM has made an achievement at the national level.
YOGYAKARTA – Persistence and consistency in dedicating most of his time for environment preservation have brought a lecturer in Engineering Faculty UGM, Prof. Dr.
Universitas Gadjah Mada became the only university that receives the award from the Forestry Minister in the One Billion of Trees Planting programme in 2012.
Student Asssociation of Remote Sensing and Geography Information System (STARGIS) of UGM Vocational School recently hosted a national orienteering event, BIG ISOC 2013, in cooperation with Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), The event last from 15 – 17 November 2013 in the Auditorium of Merapi of Faculty of Geography UGM, Gelanggang Mahasiswa of Universitas Gadjah […].
Several students of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM joining the Cactus team have earned an award in the Krannert Human Resource Case Competition and Excecutive Conference 2013 that last from 7-8 November 2013 at Purdue University, U.S.
Students of Faculty of Law UGM have again won moot court competitions in IHLMCC 2013.
YOGYAKARTA – Predictably, up to 20 millions of graduates from vocational schools are required in the domestic jobmarket.
Universitas Gadjah Mada promotes research findings in food in the Indonesian Industry Research Forum (IIRF) 2013 in Jakarta.
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada inaugurated 1,514 graduates. The average study time is 4 years and 8 months.
The young generation is the generation that sustains the future of the nation.
YOGYAKARTA – Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM initiates the establishment of the Southeast Asia Literary Experts Network to be the umbrella body of literary experts in Southeast Asia while giving them opportunities to be on equal standing with international level experts.
Universities have a very significant and strategic role in disaster reduction efforts.
After producing energy efficient car, SEMAR, and formula car, BIMA SAKTI, students of Universitas Gadjah Mada created an electric racing car, ARJUNA.
The construction of UGM’s Kinanti 2 and 3 student flats in Barek area of Sleman will soon start.
YOGYAKARTA – Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc., proposed the incorporation of the Research and Technology Ministry with the Higher Learning Directorate (Dirjen DIKTI) under one ministry after Elections 2014 to enhance research management from research and higher learning institutions.
Chances are now open for regional leaders to become national leaders, especially those who have gained public acceptance.
Students of UGM dominate the presentation competition on the 16th National Transportation Symposium at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta on Saturday (3/11).
YOGYAKARTA – Ten students from six Australian universities have joined the student community service programme (KKN PPM) of UGM.
YOGYAKARTA –UGM students have made mobile applications for early warning system of communicable diseases, using map based services.
YOGYAKARTA –The target of the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) carried out by governments around the world is not merely a consequence of the global agreement, but it has become an international norm in developments of all areas.
UGM has made another achievement at the national level.
YOGYAKARTA – Three S2 students in Biology of UGM have been granted up to 3,500 dollars in fund by the The Mohammed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund.
Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan assessed the need of radical policy for Indonesian forestry.
A pilot project for Disaster Information System (DIS) for Yogyakarta has been launched.
The UGM Judo team has won three medals in the National Judo Championship that last from 18-19 October 2013 at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY).A silver medal was won by Lannang Kurnia Jati (Archeology) in the -90 kg male category whilst two bronze medals were won by Ardiyan Setiyawan (D3 Management) in the -100 kg male […].