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The NextIn Futura UGM team has won first place in the Imagine Cup 2013 at the national level.
YOGYAKARTA – The artistic team of English study programme in the UGM Vocational School has participated in the dance and gamelan festival called Festival of Colours of the World (FESCO) and Ensemble of Gamelan (EOG) at Universitas Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia, from 10-14 April.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc, has been awarded Doctor of the University (DUniv) by Flinders University, Australia.
UGM provides a quota of 1997 seats to new students through the University Joint Entrance Test (SBMPTN) 2013, or 30% of the total new students (6,646).
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada will test the use of smartcard with single ID on 22 April 2013 for access to campus to replace the Vehicle Identity Card.
YOGYAKARTA – Indonesia has come to the end of first demographic transition with the total fertility figure almost 2 and low mortality rate.
Students of Agricultural Technology Faculty of UGM dominated the Agrotek 2013 Scientific Writing Competition by becoming the first and second winners in the competition that had the theme the Potential of Narrow and Unused Lands to Support People’s Prosperity at UPN Yogyakarta on 23 March 2013.
Long term draught escalates water crisis. This did not happen in east Indonesia only but also other regions, particularly in the high altitudes, for example in the Ngoho hamlet in Kemitir village, Sumowono sub-district of Semarang, Central Java.
The UGM student’s swimming team has earned 11 medals in Indonesian University Swimming Competition from 29-30 March at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
BANTUL – Muktohar, 47, looked cheerful when being announced as the winner of SRI (System of Rice Intensification) competition organised by Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM in cooperation with Baznas.
Two students of UGM, Irma Novikawati (Biology, class of 2011) and Ricco Survival Yubaidi (Civil Engineering and Environment, class of 2011) have followed the ASEAN Youth Exchange Program from 14-24 March 2013 at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
YOGYAKARTA – The structure of land ownership and production asset is a crucial matter for increasing national food supply as more than 50% of farmers only acquire less than 0,5 hectare of land.
YOGYAKARTA – The implementation of autonomy in higher learning institution in Indonesia is a must to catch up with other national universities at the world level.
DENPASAR- Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS), an S3 collaboration programme between three universities (UGM-UIN Sunan Kalijaga-UKDW), signed an MoU on Creation of Healthy Television and Radio Broadcasting with Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and Indonesia Media Watch (IMW) on Sunday, 1 April 2013, in Bali, to coincide with the 80th Indonesian broadcasting day.
YOGYAKARTA- Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has been granted an ‘A’ by the Accreditation Programme for Higher Learning Institution (AIPT), National Accreditation Agency of Universities (BANPT), as released end of February.
Indonesians have recently been shocked by a number of acts of violence.
Seven Indonesian state universities, namely UGM, UI, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, and Universitas Airlangga, expressed their stance on the review of Law No 12 Year 2012 on Higher Learning against State Constitution that is proposed by Constitutional Court.
YOGYAKARTA – Presidential representative for MDGs Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Nila F.
In general, the solution to future energy demand is renewable energy from wind, seawave, water, biomass, geothermal energy, etc.
YOGYAKARTA – Sweden has collaborated with Universitas Gadjah Mada and government of Yogyakarta municipality in developing sustainable city through sharing in waste management, renewable energy and environmentally friendly building construction.
The phenomenon of premature marriage is indicated to be one of the reasons for the uncontrolled increase in population in Indonesia.
YOGYAKARTA – Director of Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Dr.
Do you remember the traditional child’s toy called dakon, gasingan and wayang umbul? Those were formerly found in Javanese society, including Yogyakarta.
UGM will provide free study for up to 18 percent of the total new students in 2013.
Having bottled water for daily consumption was unimaginable 20-25 years ago.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc, confirmed UGM’s commitment in distributing research findings to society and industry.
From 2004 to 2011, government budget increase for poverty alleviation programme was 400% but from 2004 to 2010, the rate of poverty reduced only by 3,37 percent, or 0,56 percent per year.
Centre for Anti-coruption Studies (PUKAT) UGM has ecouraged the effective implementation of Law No 8/2010 on Money Laundering beside Law on Anti-corruption Eradication in arresting suspects or convited corrupters.
YOGYAKARTA – Energy need is increasing along with increasing population and economic growth.
Coordinating Minister for Economy, Hatta Rajasa, said the middle level class in Indonesia has grown very rapidly.