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The Agricultural Research and Training Station (KP4) UGM is trying to make a breakthrough in food, namely Gama Food, through 5A programme, which are Agro-Production, Agro-Business, Agro-Technology, Agro-Industry, Agro-Tourism for selected excellent commodities from upstream to downstream areas wholly and in integrated manner.
YOGYAKARTA – History is an important part of a nation’s journey.
YOGYAKARTA – Traffic jam in urban areas of Yogyakarta is becoming worse.
Universitas Gadjah Mada and Forestry state corporation (Perum Perhutani) of Ngawi in East Java did gogo rice harvesting together in the forest area in East Java on Friday (1/3).
Law No. 20 Year 2001 on eradication of corruption practices needs to revised as the Law had been drafted without taking into account the rationale of the perpetrator or potential perpetrators.
YOGYAKARTA – The Devil was asking God whilst kneeling on the floor, “Dear God, I wish to retire immediately, because my duty in this country has been taken over by state officials.” The Devil finds it difficult to perform his service in tempting human beings so much until he wants to retire.
There are still problems in hospital referral system in the province.
YOGYAKARTA – Members of Regional Representative Board (DPD) has urged law amendments on MPR, DPR, DPD and DPRD (UU MD3) as perfection of the change of Law No 27 Year 2009.
At the age of 36, Prof. Agung Endro Nugroho,S.Si., M.Si., Apt., has earned professorship from UGM.
Association of outdoor enthusiasts from Diploma III (MAPALGA) UGM in collaboration with the local government of Singosaren village, Lestari NGO, and Environment Ministry held the Grebeg Sampah (Waste Festival) in the village in Banguntapan of Bantul regency, Sunday(24/2), to mark the Waste Aware Day 2013.
As many as 35 deans of higher learning institutions in South East Asia has followed university management course.
Almost 15 years have passed since the fall of the New Order, but most of the period of the Reform order is considered a failure.
YOGYAKARTA –.The fuel subsidy amounting to 193,8 trillion that will be disbursed by government in 2013 is confirmed to be not on the target.
YOGYAKARTA – Students of Magister Management (MM) UGM have made outstanding achievements nationally.
YOGYAKARTA – After the enacment of Yogyakarta Specialty Law, the provincial government is currently improving itself to resolve poverty issue after a report showing the highest poverty rate in 2012 is in Yogyakarta.
Government health security programme (jamkesmas) is seen as able to raise people’s awareness to have their health checked at community health centres and hospitals.
The Chinese New Year in 2013 is celebrated not only by Chinese descendants.
YOGYAKARTA – Yogyakarta is known as Indonesian centre of contemporary art.
Governor of the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region, Sri Sultan HB X, reinstated that as the frontrunner of nation’s change, higher learning institutions have to have direct involvement as agent of change.
YOGYAKARTA – Minister of Youth and Sport, Roy Suryo, along with Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, and Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr.
The government is seen as not serious nor having a clear concept in food self-supply, particularly in terms of beef import.
YOGYAKARTA – Some culture did not change, although time has changed, from the new order to the reform period.
The gap in quality education – which also impacts in different quality of graduates – has long taken place in Indonesian schools.
Over the past six months, in particular after the last Ramadan, the price of beef has increased from Rp60,000, culminating to over Rp90,000 per kg this week.
YOGYAKARTA – Black cumin seeds (Nigella sativa Lor) has empirically been used as herbal medicine to remedy various diseases, to be used as, among others, immunomodulator, antivirus, antidiabetes mellitus, anticancer, antiasthma and antiepilepsy.
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada ranks 53rd in the 100 top Asian universities as quoted from the website of January 2013 edition.
Her expertise covers forensic anthropology area. But who would have thought that behind her expertise as a researcher, she has the talent as a writer and painter.
YOGYAKARTA – Militancy, discipline, loyality and the esprit de corps of the military (TNI) have experienced discontinuity.
Her expertise covers forensic anthropology area. But who would have thought that behind her expertise as a researcher, she has the talent as a writer and painter.
YOGYAKARTA – Black cumin seeds (Nigella sativa Lor) has empirically been used as herbal medicine to remedy various diseases, to be used as, among others, immunomodulator, antivirus, antidiabetes mellitus, anticancer, antiasthma and antiepilepsy.