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YOGYAKARTA – As many as 20 student representatives from 18 colleges delivered the Youth Millennium Declaration Drive, Monday (24/10), in the Auditorium of Faculty of Medicine UGM.
Sweden’s interest in Indonesia continues to increase, especially with the improving performance of Indonesia in the last decade, both in terms of economic growth and democracy.
YOGYAKARTA – Farmers in the perspective of observers no longer have sovereignty and independence in the provision of food, even they undergo poverty systematically from the impact of agricultural development policy.
YOGYAKARTA – Indonesian Minister of Health, Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, clarified that government gets difficulty to achieve one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2015 to reduce maternal mortality averagely of 102 per 100 thousand live births.
Dynamic conditions of the world economy show the penetration of information technology effect that is applied to companies and organizations.
UGM won 1 silver and 1 bronze medals at the 4th National Student Performance in Information and Communication Technology Field (Gemastik) 2011.
The next 40 years period is not a long time for the determination of a country and nation’s future.
Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports, Andi Mallarangeng, hopes that the youth ready to welcome the establishment of ASEAN Community in 2015.
"The world is in war and peace trends, if there is one that is ready to make peace, there are many others fighting, or even when the nation is peaceful, they build the military to be ready to fight." That was Jusuf Kalla’s statement delivered at the Seminar on ‘Building Peace through the Improvement of […].
The decline of land quality and productivity, global climate change and world population increase now and in the future become threats as well as fears of the emergence of hunger in the world.
The urgency of environmental awareness movement has begun to be felt.
Tembang Macapat (Macapat Song) is one type of Javanese art that combine poetry with music, advice, counsel, wisdom and a variety of Javanese philosophy of life.
Yogyakarta – Balinese Cow (bos javanicus) is Indonesian germ plasm with good reproduction characters subsequently easily developed and deployed to various places as a potential livestock.
Starting in 2012, the government will prepare a Prosperous Family Service Center in 33 provinces.
Secondary hazards caused by natural disasters in the form of cold lava of Mount Merapi or flood that occurred on December 6, 2010 has destroyed public facilities and infrastructure.
Faculty of Engineering UGM held a public lecture entitled "How to Minimize Drilling Risk, Wednesday (19/10) in the Auditorium of the Faculty.
BANTUL – As many as 32 young graduates who joined program of Youth Graduates Development Mover in Rural Areas (PSP-3) were symbolically released by BPO Head of Youth and Sport Agency of Yogyakarta Teguh Raharjo and witnessed by Community Services Manager of LPPM, Adi Wibowo, S.T, M.M., and expert staff of Bantul Regent in economics […].
YOGYAKARTA – The youth becomes the main focus of concern on The 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights (APCSRHR) forum under the theme Claiming Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Asian and Pacific Societies, which was centered at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM, 19-22 in October 2011.
Indonesian Vice President, Prof. Dr. Boediono, said to decrease the poverty rate from 12.49% to 8-10% within three years is not an easy task.
Yogyakarta – Vice President, Prof. Dr. Boediono, greeted 150 student representatives who come from underprivileged families as Bidikmisi scholarship recipients at Senate Hall, Monday (17/10).
Abilawa character is certainly familiar to the ears of the traditional shadow puppet fans.
Kulonprogo – Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UGM and Solidarity of Wives of Members of United Indonesia Cabinet (SIKIB) held Binangun Etawa Contest (BEC) Regent Cup on Sunday (9/10).
Sublethal concentration and high frequency of insecticide applications is one trigger of brown rice straw planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) pest population explosion after insecticide spraying (resurgence).
Two graduates of Universitas Gadjah Mada managed to become winners in the Shell LiveWIRE Business Start-Up Awards (BSA) 2011.
The high maternal mortality rate (MMR), mostly due to hemorrhage remains a serious health problem in Indonesia.
Indonesia is one of the salt producing countries in the world.
Since January 1, 2001 regional financial governance policy of regency/city experienced a paradigm shift.
Gunungkidul – Minister of Forestry of Indonesia, Ir. Zulkifli Hasan, said the government will encourage the production of plantation forest in the management of production forests, as well as to reduce the threat of natural forest habitat disruption and the dependence on natural forest timber.
The announcement of general winners of national contest becomes the closing event of the series of Product Innovation Exhibition that takes place at Grha Sabha Pramana, Saturday afternoon (15/10).
Agronomy Students Association, Faculty of Agriculture of Universitas Gadjah Mada held Gadjah Mada Agro Expo 2011.