Berita Terbaru
The increase of world oil price due to global economic crisis in 1997 had led to the fiscal risk in Indonesia.
Being the champion at the World Robot Contest, Trinity Fire Fighting Home Robot Contest and RoboWaiter Competition (TCFFHCRC), in Hartford, Connecticut, USA, from 9-10 April 2011 were never imagined in their minds.
YOGYAKARTA- Along this time, regional autonomy is indicated to have missed its destination.
As many as 10 teams from 4 universities across Indonesia are competing in the semifinals of Jogja Game Expo on Tuesday (19/4) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
YOGYAKARTA-UGM continues to improve cooperation and communication with the surrounding community.
YOGYAKARTA – School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada again inaugurated 32 new nurse graduates consisting of 7 men and 25 women on Tuesday (19/4) in the auditorium of the Faculty.
YOGYAKARTA – Policy of ecosystem-based spatial development is getting more urgent to be carried out by stakeholders in regions to save the existence of flora and fauna ecosystem which are perishing along with the rate of urban development and large-scale and complex settlement.
YOGYAKARTA- As many as 50 students of Faculty of Medicine from 12 universities in Indonesia, for three days from 15-17 April 2011 participated in the National Peer Education Workshop (NPEW) 2011 held at Faculty of Medicine UGM.
Political observer from the University of Northwestern United States, Prof. Jeffrey Winters, assesses that Indonesia is a democratic state without law.
The Sumatran tiger is the only one of the remaining tiger subspecies in Indonesia while sub-species of Java tigers and Bali tigers had already gone to extinction.
Cooperation agreement between ASEAN and China (ACFTA) is an opportunity for Indonesia.
YOGYAKARTA – At least 10 laws related to bureaucracy in the investment services need to be revised.
Many people seem to give less attention to efforts in fulfilling electricity needs in coastal areas.
Various techniques of shooting a picture are known in photography.
The safety of communities living around the slopes of Mount Merapi becomes the focus of a new partnership that exists between Australia and UGM.
YOGYAKARTA- Migration (movement) of population from a place/country to another place from time to time continues to change.
Caterpillars that attack trees in several regions in Indonesia are considered as a normal cycle.
To collect inputs in order to anticipate climate change effects on agriculture and livestock sector, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Ir.
Venezuela has always been the country that attracted the attention of many people.
Indonesia still lacks of reliable human resources in the field of energy management.
YOGYAKARTA- The UGM robot team together with the teams from ITB and Unikom were met directly by Minister of National Education, M.
YOGYAKARTA – National food policy taken by the government is currently considered as not providing protection for the farmers.
YOGYAKARTA- The number of recipients of research grant of Indonesia Managing Higher Education for Relevance and Efficiency (I-MHERE) program Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada has increased as compared with last year.
YOGYAKARTA-Concerns and solidarity towards survivors of earthquake and tsunami in Japan that occurred on March 11 continue to be given.
UGM continues to build communication and synergy with community around the campus.
The increase of CO2 emissions continues to cause concerns among environmental experts.
YOGYAKARTA – As many as ten students, Monday (11/4), signed a MoU of execution of Education for Sustainable Development (EfSD) research Indonesian program Managing Higher Education for Relevance and Efficiency (I-MHERE) Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
YOGYAKARTA – Confidence is a capital that is essential for gaining success.
YOGYAKARTA- Dozens of Japanese students studying at UGM raised funds from 9-10 April 2011 for survivors of earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan.
YOGYAKARTA – Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., and Regent of Sleman, Sri Purnomo, put the first stone in the construction of the Mardliyyah Mosque of UGM, Saturday (9/4).