Berita Terbaru
Yogyakarta- As many as eight delegates of Australian Embassy led by Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E.
A study done by Harvard Kennedy School and Rajawali Foundation resulted that reforms have played a big role in changing economic, political, social and cultural orders.
YOGYAKARTA – Hydrology and Water Quality Laboratory of the UGM Faculty of Geography received the ISO 17025:2005 accreditation certificate.
UGM has successfully developed the technology to process waste into biogas.
As many as 61 UGM graduate students since Wednesday (9/2) until the next day participated in the Socialization of Research Grant and Proposal Writing Training Based on the Education for Sustainable Development (EfSD), held in KPTU room, Faculty of Biology.
Banking crisis in Indonesia in 1998 gives reason to conduct a guarantee of savings to ease depositors’ panic and to return public trust due to the relatively poor banking condition.
Yogyakarta – National Aviation and Space Agency sent tomato seeds to space by using Japanese satellite on 22 January.
Teams of SMAN 1 Kebumen managed to dominate the National Geography Olympiad (Olgenas) 2011 competition that was held at the UGM Faculty of Geography from 5-6 February and followed by 86 high schools. Four of the students of SMAN 1 Kebumen successfully won three titles, namely, the first champion, third, and the best participant in written […].
YOGYAKARTA – Material deposition of lava from the Merapi eruption around Kali Gendol and Opak in Sleman potentially present the danger of lava flood that threatens Prambanan Temple.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D., inaugurated new officials at the Faculty of Agriculture and the Center for Education Development (P3). The inauguration took place on Monday (7/2) at the Leadership Meeting Room, UGM Central Office.
UGM Faculty of Geography plans to develop schools based on disaster mitigation and environmental management for high schools and equal level schools.
A total of 86 high schools participate in the National Geography Olympiad held by Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada. An Indonesian international school in Malaysia also participates in this event. The Olympiad which took place from February 5 to 6 was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Prof.
UGM received a visit made by delegations from Kyushu University and Ritsumeikan University.
This year, UGM ranked seventh in the list of 100 best universities of Southeast Asia based on the Webomatrics, January 2011 edition.
Faculty of Geography UGM again will hold the National Olympiad for High School Students 2011.
Recently, infection of Heliobacter pylori (H.pylori) bacteria gets big attention in the medical circle because it proved to be related with cases of gastric cancer.
To provide support and an injection of spirit in services and volunteering, Student Association of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, and Anand Krishna Center Joglosemar held a dialogue between Prof. Ir.
Bureaucratic reform stands for the interest of many things. Reform in this area is oriented on independent staff, enhancing competitiveness, as well as results and market-oriented.
Yogyakarta- Energy is one of important factors in each country’s development in the world.
As a form of real responsibility of UGM in giving concrete solution to secondary danger of Merapi eruption, Faculty of Geography UGM and Center for Disaster Studies established international cooperation with University of Paris 1 and CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research), France, through joint research program under the theme Mitigate and Assess Risk from […].
Cold lava floods that hit several rivers in Yogyakarta and Magelang, Central Java, resulted in quite immense economic losses.
Being an entrepreneur may have been the choice in life for Fajar Handika.
YOGYAKARTA – Prof. Dr.rer.soc. R. Agus Sartono, MBA, who is currently the Deputy Head of Education and Religious Affairs, office of Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare, Friday (28/1), was inaugurated as a new professor.
Tax problems are still interesting to be discussed up to now.
Yogyakarta- Avian Influenza (AI) is one of infectious animal diseases which causes huge economic impacts.
Yogyakarta- Due to price increase of domestic and world’s food, the Government has made exemption of import duty policy for 57 tariff posts of food commodity, cattle feed and fertilizer for one year.
Thursday (27/1), UGM Faculty of Engineering together with Forum Pemerti Code and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched a map of 1000 Ideas for Code River.
YOGYAKARTA- On Thursday (27/1) a total of six participants from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of UGM participated in the contest of durable and fuel efficient vehicle in the courtyard of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
YOGYAKARTA – Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dr. Chairil Anwar, said the readiness to replace the losses caused by the appearance of a crop circle in Berbah, Sleman, if proven that it was made by students of the Faculty.
Dr. Langgeng Wahyu Santosa, M.Si., a researcher at Environment and Disaster Mitigation Clinic, Faculty of Geogrpahy UGM emphasized that morphological approach of pyroclastic material and lava distribution of Mount Merapi in disaster prone areas should be made the the main basis in arranging policy of spatial planning and settlement in disaster prone areas of Mount […].