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Yogyakarta- Ministry of National Education will put the concept of Education for Sustainable Development into formal, informal and non-formal educational institutions starting from year 2011.
Against the backdrop of concerns about increasing environmental cases committed by industries, EGSA (Environmental Geography Student Association) held a national seminar entitled Industry’s Role in Managing Sustainable Environment.
Cassava is an agricultural commodity that is traded in world markets.
Yogyakarta- Regional Center of Expertise of Yogyakarta (RCE-Yogyakarta) UGM in cooperation with Ministry of National Education and United Nations University holds Regional Centers Conference of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) about earth saving efforts through education in Asia-Pacific countries.
Anti-Corruption Study Center (Pukat) of UGM Faculty of Law assessed 2010 is a meaningless year in relation with the efforts to fight corruption, there is no progress made.
YOGYAKARTA- Increased level of community literacy can not be the only reference and proof that a nation’s education has progressed.
Against the backdrop of concerns about increasing environmental cases committed by industries, EGSA (Environmental Geography Student Association) held a national seminar entitled Industry in Managing Sustainable Environment.
Yogyakarta – Head of UGM Center for Disaster Studies (PSBA), Prof. Dr.
Economics and Business Research and Training (P2EB) of UGM Faculty of Economics and Business with BPD Sharia of Yogyakarta launched Economic Empowerment program for Merapi Disaster Survivors.
Head of the UGM International Affairs Office, Dr. Ir. Rahmat A.
Karst area is an area of rocky limestone with unique landscape conditions, both located on the surface (eksokarst) and below the surface (endokarst).
Yogyakarta – A hundred of religious experts from various countries plan to conduct research on positive and negative impacts of religion’s awakening on social political life of Southeast Asian people.
Yogyakarta – The potential of Karst area in Indonesia which reaches 140 thousands kilometers square has not been utilized well by stakeholders.
YOGYAKARTA- Marketing studies development in the behavior of consumer takes place with changes in business and lifestyles in society.
The efforts undertaken in the pursuit of economic growth often creates a negative impact on the environment.
A total of 100 experts from various countries discussed the revival of religion in Southeast Asia in the last 15 years readmore.
Prof. Soedomo Oral and Dental Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry UGM in cooperation with Dompet KR charity from Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper held free medical check-ups for 200 people hit by cold lava flood of Merapi.
YOGYAKARTA- UGM Marching Band (MB) Team once again made a national achievement.
MAGELANG – Merapi’s cold lava flood is still largely threatening, especially along the Kali Putih river in Magelang, Central Java, after the surging flood on Monday (3/1).
YOGYAKARTA – A total of 100 experts from various countries discussed the revival of religion in Southeast Asia in the last 15 years.
The people of Yogyakarta on Tuesday afternoon (4/1/2011) were surprised by the rainbow ring surrounding the sun.
UGM students continuously made achievements. The achievement this time was gained by Lisa Novita Anggraeni, student of Faculty of Biology and her two friends from Industrial Engineering Department V.
Yogyakarta- UGM historian, Prof. Dr. Suhartono, urged the Central Government not to ignore the historical fact that Yogyakarta was formerly the capital of Indonesia that had a role for the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia at that time.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., inaugurated several new officials in UGM Education Development Center (P3) and Laboratory of Integrated Research and Testing (LPPT).
Yogyakarta- To commemorate the move of capital from Jakarta to Yogyakarta on January 4, 1946, the Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center of UGM holds the “Yogya Republic” commemoration.
YOGYAKARTA – Javan lutung (Trachypithecus auratus) is one of the protected animals.
Head of Cangkringan sub-district, Samsul Bakri, expressed his gratitude for the construction, particularly for Bakalan residents whose homes had been destroyed.
Meanwhile, Udin Kuru with his Pesan untuk Masa Depan piece presented figures of Soekarno, Agus Salim, and Hatta who used camera phones to capture objects in front of them.
Yogyakarta- Cultural observer Emha Ainun Nadjib or popularly called Cak Nun, for the first time delivered a cultural oration at Koesnadi Hardjosoemantri Cultural Center on Wednesday evening (29/12).
YOGYAKARTA- Today, Thursday (30/12), UGM Faculty of Medicine inaugurated 142 new doctors at Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP).