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YOGYAKARTA – Wai Apu Watershed is one of the watersheds on Buru Island, Maluku, which has an important role for local and regional economy. Recent development indicates this watershed has experienced some problems, which can threaten its important role in local regional economy.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) works with 100 private/state universities in Yogyakarta and Central Java to assist survivors of Mt.
In relation to the issuance of Circular Letter of Minister for State Apparatus Empowerment & Bureacracy Reforms dated June 28, 2010 concerning the data collection of honorary staff who work in government offices, the Verification and Validation Team from State Agency for Staff Affairs (BKN) on Honorary Personnel has been processing 9672 documents of honorary […].
Bulaksumur (KU) – UGM and Hyatt Regency Hotel of Yogyakarta continue to cooperate in providing more than 2,500 food servings per day for IDPs at UGM Student Center.
As many as 72,047 livestocks around Mt. Merapi in Yogyakarta and Central Java have not been evacuated and suffer from lack of feed.
Temporary losses estimation that has been calculated by the Regional Development Office (Bappeda) of Sleman district as of 14 November 2010 due to eruption of Mount Merapi amounts to 3.385 trillion Rupiah.
Character education is now indeed the main issue of education.
Fitri mentioned that this activity aims to revive the spirit and make them creative.
Bulaksumur (KU) – As one of concerns for survivors of Mount Merapi eruptions, Official Corps of Staff from Universitas Gadjah Mada (Korpagama) slaughtered one cow to be distributed for Internally Displaced Persons who are now staying in IDP camp at UGM Student Center.
BULAKSUMUR (KU) – To build student’s awareness about the environment, Geography Study Club (GSC), Faculty of Geography UGM has hosted GESTURE (Geography Student Creativity Week) that took the theme of Socio-Ecological Dynamics of Student in Student City in Young Intellectuals’ Perspective, GESTURE includes English Debate Competition, English Speech Competition and Scientific Paper Writing Competition.
BULAKSUMUR (KU) – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) will prepare temporary houses for survivors of the eruptions of Mt.
MAGELANG- Technical service post of Civil Engineering Department (Posyanis-KMTS), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is giving services and conducting programs for Internally Displaced Persons affected by the eruptions of Mt.
Another outstanding achievement has been made by an UGM student.
BULAKSUMUR (KU) – Disaster Response Unit (DERU) continues to send humanitarian aid to IDPs affected by the eruptions of Mt.
Most of the displaced people of the eruption of Mount Merapi do not experience psychological problems because they have adjusment ability to environmental changes.
YOGYAKARTA-Problems that emerged during the eruption of Mount Merapi on October 26, 2010 were not only logistics and IDP camps but also abandoned cattles.
Rector UGM, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., led a coordination meeting with 11 state and private universities in Yogyakarta to discus the handling of eruptions of Mt.
Bulaksumur (KU) – At least 65 thousands of cattles in four districts, Magelang, Sleman, Klaten, and Boyolali have the risk of feed shortage and must be evacuated due to Merapi eruptions.
YOGYAKARTA – Three teams from UGM: NeverEndingWhy from Computer Sciences, Pertamax from Computer Sciences, and Autis from Electrical Engineering, won silver and bronze medals in the National Student Exhibition in ICT (Gemastik) III 2010, which was held in ITS (Institut Sepuluh Nopember) Surabaya from 5-8 October 2010.
In simple terms, competence can be divided into two. The first is called general competency (soft competency), which is associated with motivation, nature, and a person’s self-concept and the values he believes.
YOGYAKARTA – As form of care to survivors of natural disasters, particularly the eruption of Mt.
SLEMAN (KU) – Not all students of UGM have decided to return home during the academic time-off following the volcanic eruptions of Mt.
Since the eruption of Merapi on Friday (4/11), Medical Team of Disaster Response Unit (DERU) UGM set up emergency clinics in the eight IDP camps, which are UNY, UMY, UPN, Battalion 403, Scouts Barracks, Pangukan Sport Center, Sleman Big Mosque, Sleman Youth Center and Maguwoharjo Stadium.
YOGYAKARTA-Tectonically, the Indonesian archipelago lies at the confluence of three tectonic plates of the world, namely Indo-Australian plate, Eurasian, and Pacific.
YOGYAKARTA- Due to eruption of Mount Merapi, which has occurred since October 26, 2010, thousands of residents, particularly in the vicinity of Sleman, Magelang, Klaten, and Boyolali must be evacuated to various locations.
Alumni of Statistics Department (Ikastat), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM held a National Conference on Sunday (30/10), at the Faculty.
YOGYAKARTA- Iyan’s face (12 years old), a sixth grader of SD Candirejo, Sleman, is cheerful.
Bulaksumur (KU) – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and the Executive Committee of WISDOM 2010 announced the delay of international event “World Conference on Science, Education, & Culture-WISDOM 2010” which is supposedly to take place from 8 to 11 November 2010 in Yogyakarta.
Land use by the community for living and economy in the upstream region at the coastal Bay of Banten and the surrounding areas has started since the Kingdom of Banten Lama, whose central government was at Banten Girang.
Kuncoro Budiwinarto, employee of Faculty of Law UGM from Mbronggang hamlet in Argomulyo, Cangkringan sub-district, became a victim of the Merapi’s eruption on Friday.