Berita Terbaru
Students of Archaeology Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM found a number of artifacts at Dieng temple complex located between Banjarnegara and Wonosobo in Central Java.
Many people assessed that Alter-Jane case is peculiar. In many cases, a man aspires to be a woman, not the other way around.
Dr. Anggito Abimanyu, M.Sc., assessed that the proposition for aspiration funds amounting to Rp15 billion for each member of the House of Representatives(DPR) violates the law … readmore .
Ten students had a chance to show their diplomacy skills in Harvard World Model United Nations (HWMUN) 2010 held in Taipei … readmore .
Prestigious achievement was made by a student of Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM, Dewi Ratih Ayu Daning, who became the runner-up in the final of Altech Young Scientist competition in Kentucky, USA, from 14-20 May, while the first award was earned by the representative of Canada.
The delegation from the University of Jember (Unej) led by Chairman of the Institute of Education Improvement and Development (LP3), Prof. Dr.
LPG cylinder explosions tend to increase in our society. The mass media more frequently reported these cases, as if no day without the LPG cylinder explosions.
Former Head of Fiscal Policy Bureau, Dr. Anggito Abimanyu, M.Sc., assessed that the proposition for aspiration funds amounting to Rp15 billion for each member of the House of Representatives(DPR) violates the law.
UGM must be proud that its ten students had a chance to show their diplomacy skills in Harvard World Model United Nations (HWMUN) 2010 held in Taipei, Taiwan, on March 13 to 19.
For the development of regional studies in the realm of social and political science in Indonesia, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM will officially open the "Sociedad de Indonesia para America Latina" (SIpAL) or "Indonesian Society for Latin America".
"UGM is always optimistic, especially for the Indonesian and Indonesian Intelligent Robot contest in Malang," said Director of Student Affairs of UGM, Drs. Haryanto, M.Si, giving a speech at the ceremony to release the team.
As a form of cooperation with the Embassy of Norway, Department of Political Sciences and Government, FISIPOL UGM held a comparative research activities related to power readmore.
UGM and Tarakan Municipal Government, East Kalimantan, signed an MoU on the implementation of a duty of the Higher Education readmore .
Construction Engineering and industries turned out to have a significant contribution to environmental degradation.
Meanwhile, Purwo Santoso highlighted local election costs that are very expensive because of the unclear meaning of the terms of public and private.
Another prideful accomplishment has been achieved by a student of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in a national writing competition held at the Bogor Institute of Agriculture.
Aspiration funds amounting to 15 billion rupiah for each member of House of Representatives (DPR), as proposed by the Golkar Party is considered irrelevant with their function and role.
As a form of cooperation with the Embassy of Norway, Department of Political Sciences and Government, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM held a comparative research activities related to power, democracy and welfare in some countries that last for two weeks.
Tuesday morning at around 07:00 to 8:30 hours, there are something special in the Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
Computer Science as well as Electronics and Instrumentation Department are in charge of preparing software and device.
Yogya (KU) – Universitas Gadjah Mada and Tarakan Municipal Government, East Kalimantan, on Monday (7/6) signed an MoU on the implementation of a duty of the Higher Education to serve regions as required by the Tri Dharma motto.
Yogya (KU) – Inundation process causes slums to grow fast. In Semarang, slums increases significantly from year to year.
JOGJA (KU) – Universitas Gadjah Mada received an award from the World Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) for inaugurating the youngest medical school graduate (17 years 9 months old), Riana Helmi, who graduated on May 19, 2009.
YOGYA (KU)- As many as 200 students, antenna community members, antena producers and ORARI members, participated in the third National Techno Antenna Fair 2010 initiated by Physics Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) on Saturday (5/6).
JOGJA (KU) – An institution that is nationally legitimate is required to maintain, develop, and actualise the Pancasila values, but is also open for criticism.
Chair of Council of Professors of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Drs.
From 4 – 5 June 2010, the Indonesian Law Student Association (Permahi) held a congress in Yogyakarta.
An UGM team came second place in the National Writing Contest held on 1 May 2010 at Makassar State University.
YOGYAKARTA (KU) – The Alumni Association of Faculty of Biology (Kabiogama) will hold an alumni gathering and 3rd National Congress from 25-26 September 2010 as part of the series of event to celebrate Lustrum XI and 55th Dies Natalis of the Faculty.
YOGYAKARTA (KU) – Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a series of activities to celebrate the Lustrum XI and the 55th anniversary.