Berita Terbaru
Lack of international publications in scientific journals happens to various professional organizations from several fields of science, one of which is the Indonesian Mathematical Society (IndoMS), an umbrella organization for Indonesian mathematicians.
To commemorate its 54th anniversary and welcome the World Class Research University Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) UGM held an international seminar entitled "Rethinking Indonesia: Political Transition Policy Changes".
Center for Land Resources Studies (PSSL) UGM is developing roof garden to support the greening process and reduce air pollution in Yogyakarta.
Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, UGM, Prof. Ir. Triwibowo Yuwono, assessed the need to change the mindset for the betterment of agricultural sector as the government has not shown enough attention to this sector so far.
Realizing the importance of information technology (IT) systems security for computers and Internet use, UGM has teamed up with Kaspersky Lab.
The research result of Earthquake and Landslide Study Team from Geological Engineering of UGM recommended creating the mapping of potential earthquake and landslide hazard zone in West Sumatra.
Young researchers from Airlangga University, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) were declared the winners of The Henk Timmerman Award 2009.
Up to this moment, there is no ideal model of measurement for the implementation of democratic economy at the local level (village).
As a country with large population and vast territory, food security has become an important agenda in national development. Cases of food insecurity that occured become a very sensitive issue in the dynamics of Indonesian socio-political life.
Disaster Early Response Unit (DERU) of UGM has made various efforts in helping the post-earthquake rehabilitation and reconstruction of West Sumatra.
UGM used to hold Gadjah Mada Fair (Gama Fair). This activity was usually held to commemorate the anniversary of UGM.
For the umpteenth time, Mitsubishi UFJ Foundation has given scholarships to 16 students of UGM.
UGM has realized for a long time that forest conservation by carrying out a critical region development is needed.
User’s satisfaction is the main purpose of designing a new instrument, as well as the key to success in sales.
The Council of Professors (MGB) of University Gadjah Mada has inaugurated five new professors and let go of three professors who have retired.
UGM disaster studies expert, Dr. Sunarto, predicted that aftershocks in West Sumatra are going to occur for more than a month.
Universitas Gadjah Mada and the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will focus on the development and utilization of geothermal energy to anticipate the depletion of oil and gas reserves.
Disaster which occurred in many parts of the word in the last decades, have created human tragedy and destroyed economic foundation of the society.
Do not underestimate eggs. Eggs are very important for school-children.
As a form of care to victims of the earthquake in Padang (30/9), UGM formed a Disaster Early Response Unit (DERU) for West Sumatera.
LPPT UGM is the university’s central laboratory, a merger between four central laboratories, namely the Central Chemical and Physical Analysis Laboratory (LAKFIP), the Bioscience Laboratory (LIH), the Center for Traditional Drugs (PSOT) and the Unit for Animal Testing Services (UPHP).
Although it is difficult to predict, it was confirmed that earthquake will frequently happen, especially in West Sumatera, Bengkulu, and the surrounding.
The Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Ir. Triwibowo Yuwono, Ph.D.
Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., along with University leadership held an open house for members of UGM academic community at Balairung, Central Office of UGM, Thursday (24/9).
UGM lost one of its best lecturers, Prof. Dr. Ir.
Some 300 representatives from UGM Graduate School attended the first lecture at the Grha Sabha Pramana, UGM, Wednesday, (16/9).
It is a great pleasure for us (Indonesian Dietetic Association in collaboration with Indonesian Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University) to invite all of you to "International Dietetic Update (IDU)" which will be conducted at Jogjakarta, the city of education and culture.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., inaugurated five new officials at UGM.
Government performance in wiping out corruption cases is not yet up to the maximum.
Subtheme in Confrence : Science & Technology Education Culture Environment Health Archeology & Paleoanthropology Secretariat : Universitas Gadjah Mada West Wing, 2nd Floor, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta Telp :(0274) 649 1984, (0274) 565 223 email : website :