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Pengukuhan Guru Besar Termuda UGM : Prof. Agung Endro.
Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI) merupakan langkah awal untuk mendorong Indonesia menjadi negara maju dan termasuk 10 (sepuluh) negara besar di dunia pada tahun 2025 melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi tinggi yang inklusif, berkeadilan dan berkelanjutan.
Siapa bilang yang kurang mampu tidak bisa kuliah di UGM?
Siapa bilang Program Studi Kedoktertan Umum Hanya untuk orang yang berduit?
Video Profile penerima bidikmisi ini sengaja di buat untuk memotivasi calon mahasiswa yang akan memilih kuliah di UGM agar tidak ragu lagi untuk mendaftar dan memilih jurusan yang diinginkannya.
Saat ini ilmu kedokteran hewan semakin berkembang. Cakupan bidang yang harus ditangani tidak lagi terbatas pada hewan kesayangan (small-animal pets), unggas maupun ternak hewan besar, namun juga menyangkut satwa liar, termasuk primata.
Since the beginning of our existance, we have tried to manipulate the immediate physical space around us in which we live in for our life necessities.
Kami informasikan kembali mengenai kegiatan Seminar Nasional tahunan "SeMinar on Application Research in Industrial Technology 2009 (SMART2009)".
Program MEP FEB UGM akan menyelenggarakan Seminar Nasional dengan tema "EVALUASI UNDANG UNDANG POKOK AGRARIA DAN PROSPEK UNDANG UNDANG PERTANAHAN MENUJU EFEKTIVITAS PENGELOLAAN ASET DAN PROPERTI" di Hyatt Regency Hotel, Yogyakarta pada tanggal 25 Juli 2009.
 first things to do When you arrive in indonesia you should within 2 weeks of your arrival : Register at OIA, submit 2 photos (1 of 2×3 cm and 1 of 4×6) Ask a sponsor letter from UGM to be brought to the local immigration office to get KITAS.
A. Legal Background The grant of research permission for foreigners is defined in the Presidential Decree of Republic Indonesia No.
THE STUDENT CODE OF ETHIC GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY PREAMBLE Gadjah Mada University was established to participate in the development of science and technology, which at the end, it aims to gain universal and objective facts and truths.
 Foreign students must submit an application letter directly to: Kantor Urusan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada Gedung Pusat (KPU) Lantai II, Sayap Selatan Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281 With all supporting documents: Curiculum Vitae (resume, personal data); Guarantee statement, indicating finalcial ability to undertake education within Indonesia, in the form of a bank statement; Personal statement, […].
Twelve students of Ehime University, Japan, have arrived to join the KKN PPM UGM (UGM’s Community Empowerment Program Field Practice), on 5-14 August 2009.
Gadjah Mada University now owns a new veterinary hospital named Prof. Soeparwi Veterinary Hospital that is expected to be one of educational hospital in UGM environment.
The professor of Public Health Science, Medical Faculty of Universitas Gadjah Mada Prof. Dr.
UGM’s Students and Lecturers were set out to join the funeral procession of Andika Listiono Putro (21), a student of UGM’s department of Public Administration and Public Policy year 2008, who died in his hike on Mount Semeru.
The Webometrics placed UGM as the only Indonesian university in its Asian Top 100 list, placing UGM in the 72th.
UGM received the visit of 10 members of US delegation at the Multimedia Room, Central Office, UGM, Wednesday (29/7).
UGM is planning to bring back to live the Nature Lover’s Collective Secretariat.
As many as 740 student candidates will enroll Gadjah Mada University after passing the National Selection of State University (abbreviated SNMPTN) in 2009.
After some improvement, on Friday (31/7), UGM with Bank Mandiri established the Rekadaya Boga Plaza Humaniora Mandiri Canteen located at UGM’s Faculty of Cultural Sciences.
Rector of UGM Prof. Sudjarwadi accepted the visit of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Rector Prof.
Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Recapital Foundation have agreed to cooperate in education field, by giving scholarships for students.
Kimpul root (Xanthosoma Sp.) is not popular among Indonesian people and amny people only use kimpul to feed their animals.
Children have a higher risk of exposed by pesticide compared to the adults for several reasons.
The “D4=S1†Team from the Electronics State Polytechnic of Surabaya (PENS) have won the 2009 Indonesian National Robot Competition (KRI) and will represent Indonesia in the International Robot Competition ABU Roboccon in Tokyo Japan.
The development of a country should involve the society, regardless the gender.
Even though the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia is not at its best condition lately, especially because of the Ambalat case, it doesn’t prevent universities from both countries to establish cooperation.
Globalization is an important phenomenon in this century. The rapid development of information and communication technology has allowed the establishment of cooperation and integration between countries.
The rector of UGM Prof. Sudjarwadi along with several Dean and staffs accepted the visit from delegation of International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) Netherlands leaded by their Rector Prof Martien Molenaar, on Thursday (4/6) at the Leader’s Room of Central Office of UGM In that occasion, both sides discuss about various […].