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In the commemoration of Kartini’s Day, UGM organized a webinar that raised women as a theme for a discussion topic on Wednesday (21/4).
Women nowadays are different. They are more modern, powerful, and bold.
UGM academicians, for some time, successfully brought achievements home. This time, a lecturer from the UGM Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho, S.T.P., M.Agr., Ph.D.
PETROLIDA, an international competition organized by the Society of Petroleum Engineers ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember), was held again in 2021.
UGM had never been absent in submitting a proposal of innovation to the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud RI) from time to time, including this year, UGM has successfully submitted 804 proposals of student creativity program (PKM).
UGM officially builds collaboration with Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Centre (MC3) in education, research, and community service, especially in handling Covid-19 by signing the collaboration agreement between both parties on Thursday (15/4) in UGM Balairung.
As long as pandemic still exists, researchers remain to dedicate their efforts to develop Covid-19 drugs.
Avengers Team from the UGM Faculty of Chemical consists of Ignatius Gerald Tondi Sinaga, Krisna Kurnia Adhi, Narendra Asha Kusuma Negara, Hanif Asshiddiq Rohmat, dan Adi Winata successfully making UGM proud by winning the 2nd Runner up in the Online International Competition organized by Chemical Engineering Student Association, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia during six […].
The Proust Team from the UGM Chemical Engineering Study Program consists of Gerald Tondi Sinaga, Krisna Kurnia Adhi, Narendra Asha Kusuma Negara successfully brought home 1st winner award and the Best Presentation of Scientific Paper Competition.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, for some time, successfully gained awards through its students.
Since 2020, Indonesia has been shocked by the occurrence of a pandemic.
Last Tuesday (13/4), UGM supported LTMPT in implementing UTBK or known as computer-based written examination, by providing the places to conduct tests.
Water is the most important substance for the life of mankind.
GeNose, a new invention result from UGM researchers, had helped a lot in tracing Covid-19 cases.
Starting from 2020 until now, people are still shackled in a pandemic.
UGM, as one of the best universities in Indonesia, provided a place to organize UTBK or computer-based written examinations for students who want to continue their studies in higher education.
This semester, the UGM Faculty of Philosophy re-organized the General Compulsory Course (MKWU) for students, which raised the theme entitled, “Building Pancasila Character in the Middle of Pandemic Era”.
Prof. Susetiawan, as UGM Professor of the Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK), revealed that efforts to develop a better Indonesia do not only come from mental efforts such as empathy, tolerance, and respect for cultural diversities in Indonesia but also from physical efforts, one of which is preserving the surrounding environment.
The flash flood recently happened in the small islands around Nusa Tenggara Timur, such as Lembata, Alor, and Flores Timur.
A collaboration between UGM, Monash University Australia, and Tahija Foundation has been built officially to develop a technology implementation model applicable in Sleman and Bantul.
As a medium for the community to further learn about UGM Faculty of Law, Law Career Development Center (LCDC) of UGM Faculty of Law organized Education Week open for the public on 8-10 April 2021.
The UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK) organized an online “Monograph Development of Quality Assurance System Model for Medical Education and Medical Profession” on Thursday (8/4).
RevoU, a start-up that focuses on the education technology field, revealed UGM achievement for becoming the top university with its website and social media management proven by the 6.1 million website visitors each month and 750 followers in Instagram.
Epilepsy is one condition or disease that occurs in the brain, or scientifically, in neurology.
On Wednesday (7/4), Manoj Kumar Bharti, an ambassador of India to Indonesia, visited UGM to offer education partnerships.
Indonesia is currently entering a season of extreme weather. One of which is several areas in Nusa Tenggara Timur that were recently hit by a tropical cyclone.
Covid has had a tremendous effect around the world. The number of dead people has reached up to millions.
The working committee of psychological practice’s bill of Commission X, House of Representative of the Republic Indonesia (DPR RI) visited UGM to reconsider the inputs from UGM and other universities in DIY concerning the psychology practice’s bill on Monday (5/4).
On 1 April, it was announced that a team from UGM Faculty Economic and Business (FEB), namely “Critical One,” had successfully won first place in HSBC Business Case Competition.
UGM Faculty of Economic and Business, PP Kafegama, and ISEI Yogyakarta organized a webinar that invited Sri Mulyani, the Ministry of Finance (Menkeu), as a speaker on Thursday (1/4).