SDG 1: No Poverty
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) admits more than 10,000 new students yearly, over 30 percent of whom come from economically disadvantaged families.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has opened registration for outstanding students through the Talent Search for Outstanding Students (PBU) program. This pathway is divided into three categories: PBU for Students from Low-Income Families (PBUTM), PBU for Outstanding Students (PBUB), and PBU for Affirmative Action and 3T Areas organizing UGM’s tri-dharma activities.
Public universities (PTN) and public universities with legal entities (PTNBH) use the overall tuition cost (BKT) regulation set by the Ministry of Education to determine the amount of a single tuition fee (UKT) that each student pays according to their family’s financial situation.
Approximately 270 UGM Community Service Program (KKN-PPM) students will be deployed to nine transmigration areas in Indonesia. These locations are Lunang Silaut in Pesisir Regency, West Sumatra; Batu Ketumpang in South Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung; Lagita in North Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu; and Rasau Jaya in Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan.
Professor Ova Emilia, the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), stated that UGM remains committed to implementing a fair Single Tuition Fee (UKT) scheme through cross-subsidies, where each student pays tuition fees proportionally. “Every student admitted to UGM is required to pay proportionally.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is expanding access to equal opportunities for new student selection in Indonesia’s outermost regions through the Talent Search for Outstanding Students Selection (PBU) for Affirmative Action and Frontier, Outermost, Underdeveloped (3T) Areas. This expansion of access through disseminating information on UGM’s Affirmative Action Program is now targeting North Kalimantan.
Achieving a nearly perfect GPA of 3.86, Aliman (21) from the 2020 Accounting program has been declared the best UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM) graduate for the third period of the 2023/2024 academic year. Born in Batam, he graduated cum laude and completed his studies in the Accounting program in 3 years, […].
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) supports the government’s policy of canceling the planned increase in the single tuition fee (UKT) for new students at public universities (PTN) and public universities with legal entity status (PTN-BH) for the 2024/2025 academic year. UGM Secretary Dr. Andi Sandi Antonius Tabusassa Tonralipu conveyed this on Tuesday (May 28th) at the […].
UGM is committed to supporting national food security for the future to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One manifestation of this commitment is the continuous contribution to increasing the number of farmers using Gamagora 7 rice, a rice variety developed by UGM researchers so that it becomes more widely recognized by […].
Village products rich in local wisdom are believed to enhance the existence of a nation.
The tourism sector is believed to be a lifeline for rural economies if managed professionally.
The Director of the Directorate of Community Service (DPkM) at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Dr. Rustamadji, has been awarded the Transmigration Award from the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration in the category of Motivator for Empowering Communities in Transmigration Areas through the thematic Community Service Program (KKN) in transmigration.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) strongly supports the implementation of sustainable development as translated in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Significant changes have occurred in Sikka Regency’s development direction, especially in the tourism sector.
The UGM Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta UGM) inaugurated a vocational program in the form of a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) study.
Dr. Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, a faculty member of the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM), was inaugurated as a full professor of management on Tuesday (Apr.
May 1 is commemorated as International Labor Day. Ceremonies and activities take place in most cities around the world. Some labor groups commemorate it by conducting collective ceremonies and social activities, and many of them participate in demonstrations related to concerns about laborers’ fate, including aspiration speeches at the National Palace of Indonesia today.
Ulfatun Nikmah (26), Accounting Science 2021, is one of the 1,187 Master’s Program graduates conferred degrees on Wednesday (Apr.
The UGM Alumni Family (Kagama) continues distributing scholarships to UGM students from underprivileged families.
The Gamagora rice variety, developed by the UGM Center for Agrotechnology Innovation (PIAT UGM), was harvested by farmers from the Makmur Sejahtera Farmers Group in Sentolo, Kulon Progo. This inaugural harvest was conducted on a demonstration plot of 1 hectare, divided into three sections.
Coinciding with a day after Kartini Day, UGM organized Sekolah Wartawan, focusing on “Empowerment of Women versus Gender Equality” on Monday (Apr.
Dr. Destha Titi Raharjana, a researcher at the UGM Center for Tourism Studies, stated that one of the determining factors for the progress of tourism villages lies in the capacity of human resources in their management institutions because the development of tourism villages is essentially carried out through community-based tourism (CBT).
The Indonesian Ministry of Finance has requested experts from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to research the effectiveness and efficiency of budget utilization within local government environments across Indonesia. This initiative aims to ensure that government budgets benefit development and improve the economies of lower-income communities.
Two alumni of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Angelo Wijaya, an alumnus of International Relations at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol UGM), and Fajar Sidik Abdullah Kelana, an alumnus of the Faculty of Engineering (FT UGM), represented Indonesia at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum held on April 16-18 […].
The South Barito Regency government has established tri-dharma cooperation with Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The cooperation in education, research, and community service was signed by UGM’s Rector, Professor Ova Emilia, and the Acting Regent of South Barito, Dr. Deddy Winarwan, who is also the Director of Performance Evaluation and Regional Capacity Building at the Directorate […].
The issue of single tuition fees (UKT) has recently become a hot topic.
The new government is expected to allocate more work to the agricultural sector.
Discussing small-scale shark fisheries in Indonesia never seems to end.
The tradition of “mudik,” returning to one’s hometown during Eid al-Fitr, has been a long-standing cultural phenomenon.
Indonesia’s Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki, stated that his ministry would propose to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to promptly establish regulations allowing banks to provide credit to MSME players without collateral. This is because around 59 percent of total MSME players are not connected to banking institutions. “This regulation is currently being […].