Southeast Asian studies have matured in Western centres and have evolved considerably in the scholarly literature on international relations which continue seeing Southeast Asia as an un(differentiated) object of study.
[CALL FOR PAPERS] Annual Convention on the Global South (GO SOUTH) is back! Following the success of GO SOUTH 2020, now we proudly present you the GO SOUTH 2021 with the title of: “International Order Beyond the Pandemic: Repositioning of the Global South.” This conference will be conducted online considering the current pandemic situation.
Pharmaceutical & Health Care Virtual Summit diselenggarakan oleh Kagama Farmasi dengan berbagai pilihan tema dalam bidang farmasi dan kesehatan selama masa pandemi..
Upacara wisuda program diploma dan sarjana periode 2 tahun 2020/2021 secara simbolik kepada perwakilan wisudawan dan daring bagi seluruh wisudawan disiarkan secara langsung melalui Youtube Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Workshop akan diselenggarakan selama 3 hari yang terdiri dari 24 bagian yang dibagi dalam 6 seri webinar yang diselenggarakan secara berurutan mulai dari pukul 9 sampai 16.
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas dan jumlah publikasi ilmiah Universitas Gadjah Mada, Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi UGM akan mengadakan “Nature Research Academies Workshop”.
Pada tahun 2001, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi meluncurkan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) sebagai salah satu upaya untuk menumbuhkan, mewadahi, dan mewujudkan ide kreatif serta inovatif mahasiswa.
Seminar Online: Peran Universitas Gadjah Mada dalam Pembangunan di D.I.Yogyakarta Diselenggarakan oleh: Dewan Guru Besar UGM Jumat, 20 November 202008.00-11.00 Pembicara:– Prof. Dr.
The 4th International Halal Conference with the topic : “The Challenge on The Development of Halal Research and Industry in New Normal Era” that presented by PUI-PT Institute for Halal Industry and System UGM The event will be held on: Date : November 14th, 2020 Time : 08.00 – 15.00 (UTC+07.00) Venue : Zoom Meeting.
Studies Center for Financial Market, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Research Workshop Series, the second series will take two topics in two different sessions.
[GO SOUTH 2020]Annual Convention on Global South 2020 Global South in the Era of Pandemic: Order, Development, and Security GO SOUTH 2020 is brought to you virtually with outstanding speakers! Details of the conference and panel discussions as follows: Conference 2-3 November 2020 Theme:1.
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) inviting researcher for writing paper in the 5th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economics and Development (GAMAICIED), 5th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Accounting and Finance (GAMAICIAF), and 5th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Business Research (GAMAICIBR).
The Symposium on Social Science (SOSS) is a biennial international event in the field of social science organized by the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS), Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Industry 4.0 creates new unprecedented and unpredictable emerging technologies which influence the transformation of building, neighborhood, and urban system.
The Faculty of Geography Universitas Gadjah Mada, notably the Department of Environment Geography has been working for a long time on environmental issues.
ANSWER (Annual Symposium on Solid Waste Refinery) is intended to be a routine meeting point of all stakeholders and experts in solid waste treatment especially Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management for local Indonesia as well as around the globe.Powered by Indonesian Solid Waste Forum, this year, 2nd ANSWER will be held in Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta, […].
[GO SOUTH 2019] “Annual Convention on Global South 2019:Rethinking International Relations in the Era of Technological Disruptions” Tuesday, 5th November 2019 at Balai Senat, Universitas Gadjah Mada With speakers:• Ashok Acharya, Professor of Political Science at Delhi School of Transnational Affairs, University of Delhi;• Daniel McCarthy, lecturer in International Relations, at School of Social and […].
Program studi S2/S3 Bioteknologi Sekolah Pasca Sarjana UGM dan Pusat Studi Bioteknologi tahun 2019 ini menyelenggarakan kembali Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi VI dengan tema “Bioteknologi untuk Indonesia Makmur Sejahtera”.