The Board of Trustees, hereinafter the BoT, shall mean the Universitys highest decision making body that represents the government, the Universitys Community, and the public.
Chair :
Prof. Dr. Pratikno M.Soc.Sc.,
Secretary :
Prof. Dr. Ir. Indarto, DEA.,
Members : Prof. Ainun Na’im, MBA., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. dr. Hardyanto Soebono, Sp.KK(K)., Prof. Dr. Ir. Zaenal Bachruddin, M.Sc., Subejo, SP., M.Sc., Ph.D., Dr. Arie Sujito, S.Sos., M.Si., Paminto Adhi, SE., M.Si, Muhsin Al Anas, Prof. Dr. Tahir, MBA., Ir. M. Basuki Hadimuljono, M.Sc., Ph.D., Prof. Mardiasmo, Akt., MBA., Ph.D., Ir. Agus Priyatno, Ir. Budi Karya Sumadi, Wisnuntoro, S.E., M.M,, dan Ir. Ahmad Rifai, MT.