The total amount of 1,606 new graduates are officially announced at the Graduation Ceremony of the Bachelor and Diploma Program on Wednesday (19/2) at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM. The number consists of 1,437 graduates of the Bachelor Program including 5 graduates from Foreign Citizens and 166 graduates of the Diploma Program including 39 graduates from the D IV program.
In his remarks, UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M. Eng., D. Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng., Congratulated the graduates who have been part of the large family of UGM alumni scattered throughout the area of nusantara and even the world.
“On behalf of UGM, I congratulate the graduates who succeeded in completing their education at UGM, also to the parents and lecturers who have always accompanied and guided our students to become useful people for the community,” said the Rector.
According to him, the graduates who have successfully gone through the study process at UGM have more than enough capacity to be able to contribute to the country in their occupied fields.
In the era of uncertainty, for instance, the emergence case of the coronavirus which has raised fears of economic impacts and others that are difficult to predict, research is constantly needed to strengthen the resilience of the national economy.
“Researches are needed to build up the strength and resilience national economic system of any problems, including threats that we have not met before. Ladies and gentlemen who graduate today should be able to take part in those efforts in the coming years,” he explained.
Besides, new graduates must be more concerned about the issue of climate change that causes a variety of adverse effects, such as floods, landslides, drought, sea-level rise, to disease outbreaks.
According to him, the millennial generation is creative and environmentally friendly. This is shown by the emergence of environmentally friendly lifestyle trends, such as carrying shopping bags to avoid the use of disposable plastics, the use of stainless straws and the consumption of organic products among young children.
He also encouraged UGM graduates to start doing small things relating to environmental concerns in the hope of forming good habits for environmental sustainability.
“I hope that you will also begin to adopt these good habits. Moreover, you can also use the knowledge you gained during your study at UGM, the learning process you get by living amid society, and the technology that is mastered, not just to exploit the earth,” the Rector said.
In this graduation period, the average study period for undergraduate graduates is 4 years 9 months, while for D III and D IV programs respectively 3 years 8 months and 4 years 7 months. Accounting Study Program student, Shienny Febrian Handoko, became the youngest graduate after completing her undergraduate studies at the age of 18 years 11 months 4 days, while the highest Grade Point Average was Christopher Andrew from the Mechanical Engineering Study Program.
Author: Gloria
Photo: Firsto AP
Translator: Natasa A