Twenty delegates from Africa participated in the International Training on Cage-Free Innovation and Welfare Hub, held at the UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Animal Science UGM) from Nov. 25–29, 2024.
The participants came from four countries—Ghana, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Uganda—and represented various backgrounds, including NGOs, animal activists, farmers, and students.
The Dean of Animal Science UGM, Professor Budi Guntoro, stated that this was the first time such training included African participants.
“Previous training sessions mostly involved participants from Asia, such as Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia,” Professor Guntoro remarked at Animal Science UGM on Monday (Nov. 25).
According to Professor Guntoro, the event was organized in collaboration with Global Food Partners and AERES University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands. The training aimed to enhance participants’ capacities and broaden their knowledge of cage-free egg farming systems.
“Animal Science UGM has a demonstration farm and training center for cage-free egg farming called the Cage-Free Innovation and Welfare Hub. This is the first of its kind in ASEAN and has attracted stakeholders from Africa,” he added.
Elissa Lane, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Global Food Partners expressed hope that the program would serve as a platform to learn best practices in managing cage-free egg farming.
The Cage-Free Innovation and Welfare Hub is a demonstration farm and training center designed for egg producers, veterinarians, auditors, academics, and students to study best practices in cage-free egg farming.
The model farm and training center are open to individuals from Indonesia and other countries in the region.
The African delegates also visited the Cage-Free Innovation and Welfare Hub and several Women’s Farming Groups in Sleman during the training.
Report by: Animal Science UGM/Satria
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photographer: Margiyono