
Our vision is to become a center of excellence in geography and environmental science program and gain international academic standard.



  1. To improve the quality of education according to international standard;
  2. To develop the quality of research activities related to geography and environmental science issues;
  3. To enhance the community service activities to provide solution of environmental problems;
  4. To expand the national and international cooperation and network; and
  5. To improve the good institutional governance.



  1. Mastering theory, knowledge, and skills of physical geography, human geography, and environmental science.
  2. Mastering geospatial related technologies to analyze natural and human resources and address their challenges.
  3. Having a capacity and creativity to continuously develop knowledge for further study either formally or informally.
  4. Having a capability to communicate ideas, to initiate appropriate actions, and to lead a team.


Status Akreditasi:

Nasional: Akreditasi Unggul dari LAMSAMA (27 Mei 2024 – 26 Mei 2029)

Internasional: Full Accreditation dari ASIIN (1 Oktober 2024 – 30 September 2031)

Pusat Bantuan Krisis

Jaga Integritas Gadjah Mada

(Berikan masukan, aspirasi, dan laporkan pelanggaran yang terjadi demi UGM yang berintegritas)

Please contact us for any problem with SIMASTER

(Direktorat Teknologi Informasi Directorate of Information Technology )

*Hari Senin-Jumat, 07.00 – 16.00

Call this number for any emergencies

(Kantor Keamanan, Keselamatan Kerja, Kedaruratan, dan Lingkungan Office of Workplace and Environmental Security and Safety and Emergencies)

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