Universitas Gadjah Mada has yet to mourn one more time. One of its best lecturers, Prof. Dr. Supardjan Amir Margono, M.S., Apt. from Faculty of Pharmacy passed away. A last respect was given to him on Saturday (24/3) in Balairung UGM.
A family representative, Prof. Fudholi, asked for apology for the deceased. Rector of UGM, Prof. Panut Mulyono, extended condolences to the family of Prof. Supardjan.
The Rector said that during his life, the deceased occupied pharmaceuticals chemistry discipline until he was inaugurated as professor of pharmaceutical chemistry of UGM. In his professorship inauguration in year 2009, he delivered a scientific speech entitled Curcumin: Development of Traditional Drugs to Modern Drugs.
At the end of his speech the Rector asked the mourners to follow the funeral and pray for the late professor.