Health Minister, Nila Moeloek, praised the UGM Academic Hospital that was seen as having showed many progresses. She made this statement when visiting the Hospital on Saturday (3/3).
“The progress has gone far. We see many changes in terms of academics and innovations,” said Minister Nila.
The Minister observed the numerous health service facilities that were offered by the Hospital. She considered them good enough and adequate for meeting the needs of society.
“Health services offered here are very much on the sides of the society whilst not forgetting its academic aspect. This means the UGM Academic Hospital also considers the human resource aspect to improve their quality,” she said.
She added health facilities quality was needed to meet the needs of Indonesian citizens so that they need not go abroad for medical treatment.
“(We were) so bothered if Indonesian citizens go abroad for a medical treatment and not trusting our doctors. We need to be in retrospect whether something is wrong with the service or there being no innovation,” she said.
She expected in the future the UGM Hospital would grow more by making latest innovations and better services.
Director of the UGM Hospital, Prof.dr.Arif Faisal, Sp.Rad(K). ,DHSM., said the Hospital was constructed under a cluster system which is housed in 6 buildings. Each has a polyclinic for different health specifications.
At the same place, Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono., described that the progress made by the Hospital was encouraged by – among others – research done at UGM.
“UGM is a comprehensive university, so this became the place for our Faculties to implement their research related to health,” said the Rector.