Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Faculty of Medicine has done enhancement of health workers and community leaders to achieve healthy behaviour society goals.
As many as 140 people for the health campaign and community leaders from eight hamlets in Sleman were trained on Sunday (19/11) at Faculty of Medicine, related to Clean and Healthy Behaviour.
Sleman Vice-regent, Dra. Hj. Muslimatun, M.Kes., opening the event said these people and leaders had important role to encourage the community to live healthy. The success of Yogyakarta as the area with the highest life expectancy in the country was credited to the health workers.
“The achievement of Yogyakartas as the national highest life expectancy area is credited to the role of health workers and community leaders that are always energised asking the community to be healthy,” she said.
Muslimatun said they were both the representation from society who became the frontguard of public health campaigns. Thus, synergy between society, government and higher education is essential to achieve the healthy Sleman regency goal.
Experts who came to the event include nursing and public health experts and nutritionists Dr. Retna Siwi Padmawati, M.A., Sri Mulyani, S.Kep, NS., MN. Sc., and Aviria Ermamilia, S.Gz., M.Gz,RD. The event was part of the Community and Family Health Care (CHFC) programme for the medical freshmen students to train them in direct engagement with the community. Later, sophomores are trained to understand family health behaviours. In the third year, they will interact more with the people and seek to find solution along with the community. In their final year they will work with the community and encourage the achievement of disaster responsive community.
In 2017, the CFHC of the first year takes place in eight hamlets of seven districts in Sleman, namely Mejing Lor and Somodaran in Gamping, Kamal Wetan in Seyegan, Sempu in Pakem, Bulak Salak in Cangkringan, Pondok 2 in Ngemplak, Sumber Kidul in Berbah, and Daleman in Prambanan.