In a competition, the company’s capability to fulfill its customers’ demand becomes the most important thing. Therefore, the company requires strategic production.
In order to fulfill the customers’ demand, a fast, affordable, and flexible product is required. In addition, the product is also expected to be responsive towards changes.
“Currently, the products requested by the community are those which are fast to be ready in the market, good, and affordable,” said Ir. Subagyo, Ph.D. during the National Seminar on Industrial Engineering 2017 at Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UGM on Wednesday (8/11).
Subagyo said in order to design a product, the most important thing is making sure the product involves many people. The current business models have characteristics of free, premium, and open source while the source of their funding comes from advertisement, e-money, and the members’ dues.
“We invest for 10 years in a product, however, the product only survives for 2 years because of the launching of new products. Therefore, calculating an efficient production and process budget is essential,” he added.
National Seminar on Industrial Engineering was held by Industrial Engineering Study Programme, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering UGM. This year, the event succeeded to be utilized by researchers, practitioners, and students as a communication media and network development in industrial engineering and industrial technology sectors.
Imam Aulia Azmi from Go-Jek Indonesia, an online service provider, said the current business is not about making a profit but enhancing the valuation (the current value of the business). As high as 80% of Go-Jek business is dominated by transportation product.
“Our focus is enhancing the valuation by increasing the order in Go-Ride and Go-Car menu. We have to guarantee the customers satisfaction by providing the best experience for them,” said Imam.
On the other hand, Nur Mayke Eka Normasari, Chairman of the Committee, said the main topic of this national seminar was Frontier in Industrial Engineering. This topic aimed to facilitate the current achievement in industrial engineering sector, thus it is expected to become a facilitation to exchange information and develop networks.