Board of Trustees’ selection committee that will select its members from among students will soon open registration. Committe chairman, Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, M.A., said that a replacement needs to be made because the membership of Muhsin, the student member of the Board, has expired today. As a result, before the election of the entire membership of the Board is done, a temporary membership of students is required. This is based on Article 27 Paragraph 11 of Government Regulation Number 67 Year 2013 on UGM Statutes saying that the Board’s members from student is elected for a term of one year, and can be re-elected for 1 term of membership.
“We know that among the 19 members of the Board of Trustees, one person is from among students,” said Bambang on Monday (5/6).
Bambang added the registration will last from 5-12 June 2017. Administrative selection will be made on 13 June 2017 by Student Affairs Directorate and will be decided at a Academic Senate Plenary meeting on 22 June 2017.
“We hope to already have a student as temporary/acting members of Board of Trustees on 22 June,” he said.
Bambang mentions some requirements for the students that want to register: a minimum of 4 – 6 semesters of active studies for undergraduate level, or 2 – 4 semesters for diploma/graduate level, active as executive of student organisation at the minimum level at Faculty/School, and of GPA a minimum of 3.25 for diploma/undergraduate levels or 3.50 for graduate level.
“This needs to be supported by administrative documents, such as transcript, ID card copy, and recommendation from Faculty/School,” he said.
More information can be seen at