Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., along with other 62 rectors from Indonesian universities, Chairman of Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), and Chairman of Indonesian Press Board have signed an agreement with Home Affairs Minister on strengthening the ideoloy of Pancasila, nationhood awareness, state defence, and mental revolution. This was done after a ceremony to celebrate Pancasila Day on Thursday (1/6) in the Home Affair’s Ministry.
“Home Affairs Ministry signed an MoU with 63 state universities on enhancing the ideology of Pancasila, nationhood awareness, state defence and mental revolution,’ said Rector of UGM.
The signing, according to the Rector, was important because presently there are indications of radical groups not complying with the ideology of Pancasila, they want to replace the Pancasila with other ideologies.
Panut said that along with Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and Rector of Universitas Matana, they were given the opportunity to be resource persons in a forum formed by the Ministry to formulate what to be done in order to strengthen the ideology of Pancasila. This became a form of appreciation of UGM that always upholds the value of Pancasila.
“Because UGM is seen as strong on Pancasila studies and has a Centre for Pancasila Studies, we were appreciated and I was among the first to receive the draft MoU from the Minister,” said Panut.
“Today on 1 June we celebrate the birthday of Pancasila to re-affirm that state administration process of an independent country that has been proclaimed as an agreed form of country has been resolved. That Pancasila, State Guidelines (UUD 45), the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and unity in diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) motto, all inseparable parts of the state of Indonesia,” said Minister Tjahjo Kumolo in his remarks.
Minister Tjahjo added he invited the university leaderships not just to sign an agreement. The Ministry has the commitment to ensure that in all programs of regional governments, universities of that region ought to be engaged in drafting regional budgeting, bylaws, and implementing political development policy.
“This is taken so that development political policy from the centre down to the regional level would take into account the culture, equality, and justice for the benefit of the society. It’s about how university can help a more comprehensive way of thinking, not only aiming at stakeholders but also all elements of society,” he added.