YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada grants the Hamengku Buwono IX Award to two senior figures during the UGM’s 64th Anniversary this year. The persons are a professor from University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Sri Edi Swasono, and a woman activist, Ciptaning Utaryo. The HB IX Award is presented to them at the Kraton of Yogyakarta on Thursday evening (19/12).
Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc., told journalists that Sri Edi Swasono is granted the HB IX Award in the science and technology area while Ciptaning Utaryo in humanity. Ciptaning Utaryo from Sayap Ibu foundation, said Pratikno, is a volunteer that takes great care of unwanted babies. “Both persons are selected out of 29 nominees submitted to the Board of Professors,” said the Rector.
The HB IX Award, said Rector, is given to people who meets some criteria. The both persons are seen as figures to sustain the fighting spirit of Sultan HB IX as a nationalist figure and a freedom fighter, having democratic spirit, having the opinion that the throne is for the people, visionary, and having high ideals in generating an intelligent nation with extraordinary achievement in science and technology, humanity and culture.
Chair of Board of Trustees of UGM, Prof. Dr. Sofian Effendi, MPIA, said Sri Edi Swasono is a professor consistent in fighting for the Article 33 of the State Guidelines that covers Indonesia’s economy, not liberal economy. “Since the New Order, executives did not try to understand, until we became the passengers on a wagon driven by external drivers, which is the WTO. Our government, unfortunately, supports the WTO vigorously. We are a free country but we have no sovereignty,” he said.
Sri Edi Swasono, said Sofian, is a figure that does not stop at reminding the government to resume implementing the Article 33 of State Guidelines. Sri Edi Swasono said the downfall of U.S. economy in 2008 was due to the economic theoretical mistake. Swasono’s remarks in the HB IX Award touched upon this theoretical mistake. “Let’s improve the economic theories. Once the theory is wrong, the practice will go wrong, too. We spend the time as if the existing theory served as a pendulum between democratic economy and capitalistic one,” he said.
Up to this time, the exisiting economy would impoverish human’s thoughts, because it is accepted that the best one is the maximum benefits. “This made the country sells its freedom and sovereignty,” he said.
He reasoned that Indonesia is a sovereign country, but practically the market rules it. “This is the process of aboriginisation. There has to be someone reminding the state, for example through intellectuality,” he concluded.