A 4 year (8 semester) bachelor study program and will be given S.E (Sarjana Ekonomi) once graduated.

Graduate Competencies

Students of Bachelor in Accounting will be educated to master accounting information system and technology, auditing, financial accounting, management and public. Its curriculum is specially designed and refined continuously to meet resources needed in today’s IT Era, including skills in big data and digital analytics. Graduates will be given the experience with structured and practical soft skills and hard skills. They are going to be prepared and ready to be an inspiring leader in international circle and yet has local wisdom to work and be a citizen of the world.

Career Prospects

Bachelor in Accounting graduates will have wide career prospect in varies entity such as public accounting, consultant and accountant service firm on financial report. They will have such a huge opportunity to lead a company, to be a financial director and top level management person, either in the private sector, government or in a multinational company. This program graduates will be highly needed by banking sector area, Bappepam and Bursa Efek, as well as financial taxes. The skills that will be gained from studying in this program will also be relevant and applicable to run their own company as an entrepreneur.


  • Accredited with A grade by BAN-PT
  • Internationally accredited business school by AACSB
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