Accountant Professional Education (PPAk) is a further education program after completing a Bachelor's degree in Accounting to obtain a degree / designation Accountant (ACT) and preparing graduates for careers as professional accountants.

Graduate Competencies

PPAk FEB UGM provides professional education for students in this intense competition era. This program is managed by faculty, taught by highly qualified professionals, FEB UGM lecturers who are not only known as academics, but also experienced in the government and private sectors who contribute to the creation of systematic and integrated learning processes with the world of work. This program is also supported by the use of internet-based information technology.

With a vision of being a benchmark for PPAk-PPAk throughout Indonesia and able to face challenges at the Southeast Asian level, PPAk FEB UGM is expected to be a benchmark for the development of the accounting profession and can take part in developing the professional education of accountants in the Asian region.

The education curriculum is adjusted and prepared to be able to take CA (Chartered Accountant), certification from the Indonesian Institute of Accountants and CPA (Certified Public Accountant) held by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI).

Another advantage is the Linkage Program which is an innovative program designed for students who want to obtain an M.Acc academic degree. and get a certificate of competence as a CA or CPA and a professional certificate as an accountant. Both titles and designations can be obtained by following the PPAk and Masters of Accounting simultaneously.

Career Prospects

Graduates of this study program have the opportunity to work in government agencies, national and multinational private companies, public accounting firms, professional accountants (managing Accountant Services Offices), and as teaching staff.


  • Accredited with A grade by BAN-PT
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