Founded in 1957, the Department of International Relations at UGM is the oldest institution to teach International Relations in Indonesia. We have provided education, performed research, and served the community in a variety of issues and locations. We also have produced several alumni to contribute to the development of this nation, especially in main aspects that fall within the field, such as diplomacy and foreign policy.

Graduate Competencies

Graduates of this study program have the ability to analyze strategies, politics, and economy, and culture, and to communicate verbally and in writing in Indonesian and foreign languages.

Career Prospects

Our graduates are able to pursue careers as diplomats, journalists, analysts of international politics and cultures, lecturers, researchers, and employees of private companies, in ministries, and banks.


  • Explain the concepts of peace, justice, and civility,
  • Appraise basic concepts and recent developments in the field of International Relations, especially in the sub-fields of Global Politics and Security, Peace and Conflict Studies, and International Political Economy and Development, as well as in the area studies of AMEURO (America and Europe), AFROMEAS (Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia), and ASPAC (East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Pacific),
  • Develop critical thinking and determination to learn beyond the classroom,
  • Develop awareness, solidarity, creativity, and nonviolent activism as responses to the social, political, economic, and cultural issues affected by international relations,
  • Formulate ideas eloquently, in written, oral, and multimedia formats,
  • Participate and be a leader in multicultural interactions, including in foreign political, social, economic, and cultural systems,
  • Perform diplomacy, negotiation, mediation, and facilitation.
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