The Undergraduate Study Program of the Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering UGM was founded in 1959. Up to now, our study program has graduated more than 1700 geologists. Our graduates demonstrate proven excellence in contribution to the development of geology and geological engineering, not only in Indonesia but also in the world. Our study program has received several accreditations, such as from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) with an A since 1997, the ASEAN University Network for Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) in 2011, and the Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering (IABEE) since 2018. We have also been selected as the Host Institution for Geological Engineering from the ASEAN University Network – the Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) since 2003.

Graduate Competencies


National: Accredited A (BAN-PT)
International: ASEAN University Network for Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) and Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering (IABEE)

Duration of Study

4 years or 8 semesters

Credit Requirements

144 SKS (credit system)

Degree Title

S.T (Sarjana Teknik)

Global Mobility

Student Exchange Program – Lakehead University, Canada.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the program, students will have the ability to:

  1. Able to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences, information technology and engineering to get a comprehensive understanding of the principles of geological engineering.
  2. Able to identify and formulate problems in the field of geological engineering.
  3. Able to design data collection methods in geological engineering.
  4. Able to design and carry out experiments or build a model, and be able to analyze and interpret the results to solve problems in the field of geological engineering.
  5. Able to use modern engineering techniques, skills and tools in engineering practice in the field of geological engineering.
  6. Have a broad view of the impact of engineering solutions on problems in geological engineering in social, economic and environmental contexts.
  7. Have knowledge of current issues that are relevant in the field of geological engineering.
  8. Able to work in cross-disciplinary and cultural groups.
  9. Able to communicate well.
  10. Understand the responsibilities and professional ethics.
  11. Understand the need for lifelong learning.

Career Prospects

Career opportunities for our graduates include:

  1. Junior geologists in the field of mineral resources, coal, oil and gas, geothermal, and other geological resources,
  2. Engineering geologists, hydrogeologists, and junior engineering geologists (hydrogeologists and environmental geologists),
  3. Civil servants/bureaucrats in the field of geological resources, environment, and geological disasters,
  4. Research assistants in the field of geological resources, environment, and geological disasters,
  5. Teaching assistants/academics and laboratory assistants in universities,
  6. Consultants/practitioners.

Many also choose to continue to pursue postgraduate study.



IDR 500,000 – 12,500,000 per semester depends on the economic ability of the student’s family (tuition fee reduction or waiver can be proposed by submitting letter of request, which will be evaluated by the financial department of the study program).


  • Bidikmisi,
  • Private Thesis Scholarship on a competitive basis
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