Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) supports the government’s policy of canceling the planned increase in the single tuition fee (UKT) for new students at public universities (PTN) and public universities with legal entity status (PTN-BH) for the 2024/2025 academic year.
UGM Secretary Dr. Andi Sandi Antonius Tabusassa Tonralipu conveyed this on Tuesday (May 28th) at the UGM campus in response to the Indonesian Minister of Education, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, canceling the UKT and IPI increases.
Following the cancellation of the UKT and IPI increases, the UKT amounts at UGM will revert to the 2023 rates.
Based on the Director General of Higher Education’s letter number 0511/E/PR.07.04/2024 regarding the Cancellation of the UKT and IPI Increases for the 2024/2025 Academic Year, UGM has been asked to resubmit the UKT and IPI proposals for consultation with the Ministry of Education.
“The deadline for resubmission is June 5th, and we are currently in the process of refining our proposals with the involvement of deans and student representatives,” he explained.
Dr. Tonralipu emphasized that, as a national university, UGM remains committed to educating the nation by providing an affordable education that will produce future leaders and high-quality human resources in various fields.
UGM’s leadership consistently stresses that no student should be hindered from studying due to financial constraints. UGM fulfills this commitment by enhancing inclusion and opening opportunities for people from all walks of life to access education at UGM.
“We continue to provide opportunities for new students from Indonesia’s most remote, outermost, and underdeveloped regions, including those from economically disadvantaged families,” he stated.
UGM implements the single tuition fee (UKT) and institutional development contribution (IPI), with amounts determined based on the economic capability index (IKE). The IKE indicators include parental income, the number of dependents, annual tax returns, and electricity usage.
Based on new students’ parents’ income and expenditure profiles, UGM also offers payment flexibility for IPI and provides subsidized UKT for Excellent Education by 25%, 50%, 75%, and up to 100%.
“UGM continues to maintain the 100% subsidized UKT as a form of inclusivity. Inclusion is truly practiced at UGM. Students from economically disadvantaged families can still pursue their studies,” he said.
For information, UGM only applies IPI to new students entering through the 2024 independent selection and classified under the Excellent Education UKT category.
IPI is not charged to new students entering through the academic excellence-based entrance selection (SNBP), the national entrance test (SNBT), and independent selection classified under the Subsidized Excellent Education UKT category.
IPI is paid once for the entire duration of the study program, amounting to IDR 20 million for social and humanities fields and IDR 30 million for science, technology, and health fields.
Despite this, Dr. Tonralipu added that the implementation of UKT and IPI should not deter prospective students from continuing their education at UGM. Additionally, UGM provides options for students to pay IPI in installments.
The Secretary of the UGM Directorate of Student Affairs, Dr. Hempri Suyatna, mentioned that they also provide scholarships for students from economically disadvantaged families.
In addition to scholarship assistance, the Directorate of Student Affairs, along with faculties and schools, verifies the data of prospective students to receive UKT subsidies. He noted that in 2023, 6,061 students received assistance through the Subsidized Excellent Education UKT program.
“Some received 75%, 50%, 25%, and even 100% subsidies,” he said.
For new students who meet the criteria for UKT subsidy assistance, the Directorate of Student Affairs, in collaboration with representatives from each faculty and school, involves students in verifying prospective students’ data. This student involvement is stipulated in the UGM Rector’s Decision.
“We involve students to ensure that the subsidies provided are accurately targeted,” he said.
Author: Gusti Grehenson