The selection results for the national entrance test (SNBT) for 2024/2025 will be announced on Thursday, Jun. 13, 2024, at 15:00 WIB.
Ahead of this announcement, those who have applied for entry to UGM through this pathway need to know the registration steps and the documents that must be prepared once they pass the selection.
UGM Vice-Rector for Education and Teaching, Professor Wening Udasmoro, stated that undergraduate and applied undergraduate program students at Universitas Gadjah Mada who are declared successful through the SNBT pathway must prepare several documents and upload scanned copies for registration purposes.
“New students are required to prepare documents and upload them for registration purposes,” said Professor Udasmoro on Wednesday (Jun. 12).
For students who choose the excellence education single tuition fee (UKT PU), documents, such as the original family card, health protection cards like the BPJS card, Indonesian health card, or health insurance cards, must be prepared.
Next, they must consent to the statement agreeing to pay the UKT PU. Additionally, students who choose UKT PU can take a drug abuse-free test at the UGM Academic Hospital (RSA UGM) or Gadjah Mada Medical Center (GMC UGM) from Aug. 13-27, 2024.
Meanwhile, students who choose to verify for the determination of the single tuition fee must prepare documents such as the original family card, the original ID cards of both parents/guardians, or a death certificate if one or both parents have passed away or a divorce certificate if the parents are divorced, and an income statement of both parents or guardians or those responsible for the expenses, endorsed by the salary treasurer for formal sector workers and retirees.
“For those who are unemployed or work in the informal sector, such as laborers, farmers, fishermen, traders, and entrepreneurs, use a statement from the local village head or chief,” she added.
In addition to the income statement, students must also upload their parents’/guardians’ annual tax returns if they are civil servants/military/police/state-owned enterprises/private employees, a drug abuse-free certificate from a hospital or clinic or laboratory licensed by the government, accompanied by laboratory test results for benzodiazepine, amphetamine, and THC cannabis, including health protection cards like BPJS card, Indonesian health card, or other health insurance cards.
Students applying for the Indonesia smart college card (KIP Kuliah) must include proof of KIP Kuliah registration and a statement of willingness to pay the tuition fee if the KIP Kuliah registration does not meet the requirements.
Additionally, students registered for KIP Kuliah must include photos of the house from the front, side, and back views (if possible) and the garage if available, the latest electricity bill/payment receipt or prepaid electricity purchase receipt, the last three months of bank account statements of both parents/guardians/those responsible for expenses, or an income statement of both parents/guardians/those accountable for costs, endorsed by the village head for those who do not have a bank account.
Professor Udasmoro stated that students not accepted through the SNBT pathway can still take the UGM entrance test through the third wave of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP).
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photographer: Donnie