Cough, shortness of breath, fever, and loss of smell and taste are symptoms in someone infected with Covid-19. However, recently, there has been a new symptom, namely happy hypoxia syndrome in Covid-19 patients in Indonesia.
dr. Sumardi, Sp.PD, KP., FINASIM., as an Internal Medicine Specialist Pulmonologist (Internist Pulmonologist) FKKMK UGM, revealed that a happy hypoxia syndrome is a symptom that indicates a person with low oxygen levels the body but still looks like a normal person. Naturally, the oxygen level in a person’s body is beyond 95 percent. In this condition, the drop in oxygen levels doesn’t make it difficult for people to breathe or feel breathless.
“People who endure happy hypoxia will look normal or mediocre. Therefore it is often called silent hypoxia because somehow it slowly occurs after a long period of weakness and unconsciousness,” he explained on Wednesday (2/9).
He explained that hypoxia transpires due to a cascade in the blood vessels. This condition is due to the blood vessels’ inflammation, especially in the lungs, caused by the reduced body oxygen levels.
The Head of the Division of Pulmonology and Critical Diseases of Dr. Sardjito Hospital stated that if we do not treat happy hypoxia immediately, it will threaten Covid-19 patients’ lives. It will not only cause clotting lungs, but it will also cause the clotting in other organs such as the kidneys and brain. Therefore, it can cause death.
Happy hypoxia sometimes occurs in Covid-19 patients treated in the hospital. A pulse oximeter is a tool used for monitoring oxygen levels in the blood.
Then, what about Covid-19 patients who do not show symptoms, especially those who carry out independent isolation at home? He appealed to Covid-19 patients without symptoms to better carry out independent isolation. However, during isolation, they always need to monitor their body condition. Patients are asked to be vigilant if symptoms appear when the body is suddenly weak even though they do not do activities that reduce their energy.
“If you suddenly feel weak, but you are still eating and drinking normally, you must immediately report this condition to the hospital. This fatigue is due to reduced oxygen in the organs, so you have to go to the hospital quickly to get the proper treatment,” Sumardi said.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A