Mar’atul Hofizah (18) will never forget Tuesday, March 26, 2024. It was a big day for her when she was announced as being accepted into the Accounting program at the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM).
She vividly recalls the nerve-wracking moments waiting for the announcement of the new student admissions through the academic excellence-based entrance selection (SNBP) at UGM. That day, from the morning, she felt very anxious.
The anxiety of being accepted or not overwhelmed her. She confined herself to her room, occasionally shedding tears, terrified at the thought of not being accepted at UGM.
“When I opened the announcement and saw that I was accepted, alhamdulillah, I cried tears of joy because my only choice was the Accounting program at UGM. I immediately ran out of my room to tell my parents,” she explained.
Atul, as she is affectionately called, hails from East Lombok. She was thrilled when she learned she had been awarded a 100% Single Tuition Fee (UKT) subsidy, meaning she would not have to pay tuition fees until graduation.
Atul had long aspired to study at UGM, a desire that formed as early as elementary school. Despite coming from a family with modest economic means, she dreamed of one day studying at UGM, one of Indonesia’s top universities.
Living in economic hardship did not dampen Atul’s desire. Growing up in such conditions made her strong and passionate about her studies. She firmly believed that education was the path to a better life for her family.
“My desire to study at UGM has been there since elementary school. I don’t know why, but I wanted to,” she shared during a recent visit to her home.
Atul feels grateful and fortunate to have parents who understand her deepest desires. Her parents, Hairudin (52) and Nihayah (45), had long recognized her ambitions.
Despite their limited means, Atul’s parents always supported her hopes with prayers. Amid their modest situation, Atul complemented their support with her diligent studies and achievements.
Atul has always been fascinated by becoming an accountant. During school, she was obsessed with the idea of working for a Big Four company. Thus, she always strived to achieve the best academic records and obtain scholarships.
Being accepted into the Accounting program at FEB UGM marks a new chapter in Atul’s life. She is thrilled and intends to seize this opportunity fully.
“Initially, I didn’t have the confidence to apply to UGM, but my parents encouraged me to try. Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful to be accepted into the program I had always dreamed of, Accounting at FEB UGM,” said the alumna of SMAN 1 Selong.
Her dreams are coming true one by one. Atul knows the journey won’t be easy, but she will continue to strive, work hard, and pray during her studies.
Fighting for her dreams and never giving up are principles she holds dear. Atul believes that with continuous prayer, Allah will grant and realize the hopes of those who ask.
In her family, Atul is the second of four children from a family from Gubuk Timuk, Korleko Village, Labuhan Haji District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Her father works as a laborer on a coconut plantation, and her mother is a homemaker.
With their limited income, it is challenging for her parents to make ends meet. Despite this, they are determined to fulfill their children’s educational aspirations.
Atul’s parents have always believed in providing the best education for their children, regardless of their situation.
“We will strive to provide the best education for our children, no matter the circumstances,” said Nihayah.
Atul’s grandmother also mandated that they educate their children to the university level. She urged Nihayah and Hairudin to ensure their children receive adequate education at university, as she couldn’t provide them with the same.
“My parents always said their grandchildren should get the highest possible education regardless of the situation. They didn’t want us to experience what they did. My mother is only an elementary school graduate, and my father graduated from junior high,” Nihayah added.
Nihayah also shared that her first daughter recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree from a private university in Yogyakarta. Now, Atul, who has been accepted at UGM, aims to follow in her sister’s footsteps.
Nihayah expressed pride in her daughters’ achievements. They had worked hard to achieve their dreams.
Several times, Nihayah wiped away tears, and her voice trembled. She took deep breaths to hold back her tears. Recalling her daughter’s hard work, she couldn’t help but cry.
“One hope has been fulfilled for Atul. We can only pray that she studies well and comfortably, graduates quickly, and soon finds her dream job. We, as parents, can only support her with prayers,” she said, her voice breaking.
Atul is one of thousands of young Indonesians from underprivileged families. Her strong will has proven that poverty is not an obstacle to achieving dreams.
FEB UGM is committed to increasing inclusion by providing equal access to education for all, including those with economic, social, or geographical vulnerabilities.
This effort aligns with government policies outlined in the Minister of Education Regulation No. 48 of 2022 on New Student Admissions for Diploma and Undergraduate Programs at State Universities, which requires state universities to allocate at least 20% of their quota to economically disadvantaged students and those from frontier, outermost, underdeveloped (3T) regions.
Each year, FEB UGM admits at least 540 undergraduate students. In 2023, approximately 60% of FEB UGM students received various scholarships, including the 100% subsidized Single Tuition Fee (UKT) or UKT 0.
FEB UGM provides scholarships for new students from underprivileged families as a testament to UGM’s commitment to being a university for the people. High-quality, affordable education for students is FEB UGM’s commitment to achieving equitable, inclusive education.
Reportage: FEB UGM/Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Editor: Agung Nugroho