Community compliance has not applied the best application of health protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19. There are still a high number of people hang outside without wearing a mask and do not keep a safe distance.
These conditions encourage several regions in the country to take action to provide sanctions or physical, social and material sanctions, for example, by giving a push-up sentence, squatting, pulling grass up to a fine.
Prof. Faturochman, as UGM Social Psychologist, said that the public still has a low awareness to comply with health protocols because people are not fully aware of the benefits.
“Why so far people are not obedient in wearing masks and not keeping distance? It is because they do not feel the benefits,” he explained on Tuesday (7/14).
The benefits of social compliance following the health protocol Faturochman said were not felt directly in the form of avoiding the risk of contracting the coronavirus. At the same time, the new community can apprehend the danger of ignorant behaviour towards health protocols if there are relatives or people closest to infected with Covid-19.
“They put weighs on health because socially compliant. However, there were no rewards,” said the Professor in the Faculty of Psychology UGM.
Regarding the application of penalties for citizens who break the appeal of the government, Faturochman said the government needs to make formulations related to sanctions so that health protocols in order to implement health protocol effectively. The granting of punishment, both physically and socially, has been intended to provide a deterrent effect for offenders. Sanctions also give rise to shame and provide social benefits so that it can increase public awareness to comply with the health protocol.
“If someone punished to do push-ups or clean up, is it enough to make a lesson? The principle of punishment does not make a deterrent, if it is too mild, they perhaps will do it again later, but if it is too heavy, it will bring revenge or aggression. These are things that must be considered, “he explained.
According to him, the enforcement of rules should be initiated in government institutions, public service offices, business and trade centres and others—these parties oblique to obey the health protocol when running services or businesses.
“If we do not apply enforcement if rules, the people who commit rules violations will think like they do not care. We should put this first in order instead of on the streets; I reckon it would be more effective,” he explained.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A