UGM remains to support the development of MSMEs in the country. One form of support provided by UGM to MSMEs was by mentoring or coaching in the use of technology, management, and finance. Besides, there was also organizing workshops and business meetings to improve the UMKM partnership business network.
Rita Lestari is one of the fostered partners who benefit from programs carried out by UGM through the Directorate of Community Service. Rita runs an environmentally-friendly batik business using natural materials that is safe for its users. She started this business precisely in June 2015 in the hamlet of Mantaran RT 03 RW 11 Trimulyo Sleman. She initially obtained this business idea when she was attending training from the Disperindag Sleman.
Next in 2018, Rita had the opportunity to attend a business meeting held by UGM. This meeting then became a new beginning for Rita and her batik. UGM then invited her to have collaboration because the concept of environmentally friendly batik is in line with UGM’s commitment to take care of the environment.
She felt happy that his batik was appreciated and used by UGM. Through business meeting activities facilitated by UGM, they get the opportunity to produce batik cloth and table cloths using natural dyes.
“UGM began to use our batiks, such as tablecloths or batik cloth for souvenirs,” she said.
During the Covid-19 pandemic situation, Rita’s batik business became one of the affected things. Before the plague, she was able to produce 50 pieces of batik cloth each month. Although this pandemic has an impact on her business, she still has a goal to be able to lift the country’s economy with small steps that are real by hiring neighbours. Rita reckoned that UGM’s support could help to improve her business because there were so many insights she has gained.
“I am delighted because I got this job along with my friends and a lot of successful friends has motivated me to keep progressing,” she said.
UGM Director of Community Service Director, Prof. Ir. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada, M. Eng., Ph.D., said that UGM supports MSMEs to advance to create and innovate. Besides, it encourages MSMEs to remains to be enthusiastic in developing their business ventures.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A