Dr. Basuki Hadimuljono has been elected as Chair of the Central Board of the Gadjah Mada Alumni Family (Kagama).
On Saturday (Nov. 16), Dr. Hadimuljono was officially inaugurated for the 2024-2029 term at the Kagama National Congress held at the Mercure Convention Center Ancol, Jakarta.
Dr. Hadimuljono was elected after outpacing seven other candidates. Following verification results, Dr. Hadimuljono and Budi Karya Sumadi, the second candidate with the most votes, were asked by the congress committee to deliberate on determining the chair.
“Let’s show that consensus is still a tradition in Kagama that is united, harmonious, and helpful,” said Professor Paripurna P. Sugarda, the committee chair.
Guided by Ganjar Pranowo, the previous Kagama Chair, both candidates ascended the stage together. The deliberation process between the two was brief, and they mutually agreed to entrust the leadership of Kagama to the Head of the IKN Authority in the Merah Putih Cabinet.
There was no significant tension during the session, although the congress participants made a few suggestions.
“I agreed to be nominated as Kagama Chair purely as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT. A grateful person must realize that they have received a blessing; without that awareness, they cannot be truly thankful,” he said after concluding the deliberation with Budi Karya Sumadi.
Dr. Hadimuljono, who has been acquainted with UGM for 50 years since he was a student, feels fortunate to have received two blessings.
First, he is still able to reconnect with UGM alumni. Second, he is grateful for his family’s blessings, as all three of his children also graduated from UGM.
He mentioned that wherever he works, he always remembers his alma mater, which keeps him from engaging in dishonorable actions.
“Now is the time for me to give back to Gadjah Mada,” Dr. Hadimuljono declared as he began his inauguration speech.
As the elected chair, he promised to carry out Kagama’s vision and mission and continue the programs and achievements established by the previous chair and board.
He vowed to make Kagama an inclusive home that unites, delights, and brings happiness, reflecting the diversity within Kagama’s membership.
“We need to truly maintain this. As for the other programs, I think they have been carried out well by Mr. Pranowo and Mr. Dwipayana; I will simply continue them with modifications to suit current conditions,” he said.
Dr. Hadimuljono then shared his recent activities with UGM, such as constructing the Bayat Geological Field Station in Klaten and developing the Wanagama Forest at IKN.
He also mentioned his involvement in UGM’s new student orientation PPSMB as a way to connect with the younger generation.
“This will be my guiding principle. I am already 70 years old, so as the Chair of Kagama, I will prioritize the ‘Tut Wuri Handayani’ principle to support and guide the younger generation as they face future challenges,” Dr. Hadimuljono stated.
He also discussed his participation in the June 2024 send-off of UGM’s Community Service Program (KKN) students at Balairung.
He emphasized that the young generation of UGM students undertaking KKN across the country will be integrated into Kagama’s vision for 2024-2029.
According to him, KKN serves as a platform for the younger generation to contribute to nation-building and learn about real-world issues and community conditions.
Dr. Hadimuljono added that, as chair, he could not singlehandedly manage the Regional, Branch, Overseas, Faculty Alumni, and Community Boards without the assistance and cooperation of all Kagama members.
“We must collaborate to make Kagama beneficial not only for Gadjah Mada but also for society, the nation, and the state of Indonesia,” he concluded.
UGM Rector Professor Ova Emilia conveyed her message to the newly appointed Kagama board. Professor Emilia expressed her hope that Dr. Hadimuljono would continue the successes of the previous board.
Additionally, she has high hopes that Kagama can become a bond among alumni and contribute the best to the nation.
Similar sentiments were echoed by Rivan A. Purwantono, President Director of Jasaraharja, who hoped that Kagama could maintain sustainability and adaptability in the face of different challenges, such as those related to technology, energy, and other issues.
He emphasized the importance of not forgetting the essence of decisions, which should be “guyub, rukun, and migunani.”
“This is not just a spirit of three simple words but carries deep meaning. The spirit of togetherness is embodied in ‘guyub, rukun’ to always engage in dialogue and understanding, and ‘migunani,’ which benefits both oneself and the nation,” he hoped.
Ganjar Pranowo, who handed over the Kagama leadership to Dr. Hadimuljono, also shared his message. Throughout his acquaintance with Dr. Hadimuljono, Pranowo saw him as someone with extraordinary experience and activity, always offering support during Pranowo’s tenure.
Pranowo saw this transition as a perfect fit, especially since Dr. Hadimuljono asked him to continue providing support as part of the Supervisory Board.
Regarding the challenges faced by the Kagama leadership in the next five years, Pranowo highlighted the board’s concern with issues related to food, infrastructure, health, education, and the environment.
“I am confident that all Kagama members around the world can contribute; it’s just up to Mr Hadimuljono to connect them with the right context, time, and issues,” he remarked.
In addition to Dr. Hadimuljono’s inauguration as chair, the 14th Kagama National Congress also successfully appointed six formateurs out of 25 candidates submitted by congress participants.
Furthermore, the previously nonexistent Supervisory Board will now be included in Kagama’s organizational structure. The elected chair will directly select five members of the Supervisory Board.
Author: Triya Andriyani
Post-editor: Afifudin Baliya
Photographer: Firsto