The Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) celebrated the culmination of its 69th anniversary on Thursday (Sep. 19) at the Function Hall of the FEB UGM Learning Center.
UGM Rector Professor Ova Emilia attended the event to deliver a keynote speech and express her appreciation for FEB UGM’s achievement in maintaining its international accreditation.
The accreditation comes from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and national accreditation from the Independent Accreditation Agency for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting (LAMEMBA).
In addition, Professor Emilia praised FEB UGM’s accomplishments, particularly the graduate student enrollment, which exceeded the target, reaching 48% compared to the goal of 40%.
“May the creative work of FEB UGM continue to have a positive impact on the progress of Indonesia,” Professor Emilia stated.
In his report on the faculty’s achievements over the past year, FEB UGM Dean Professor Didi Achjari highlighted several accomplishments in accreditation, national and international achievements, faculty resources, and the contributions of FEB UGM alumni.
Professor Achjari also elaborated on FEB UGM’s international collaborations with renowned universities and its faculty advisory board, consisting of experts from multinational companies.
“May we always provide the best contributions for the advancement of FEB UGM,” Professor Achjari remarked.
Meanwhile, FEB UGM professor of economics Catur Sugiyanto delivered an academic address titled “A Glimpse of Thoughts from FEB UGM Economists on the Development of Indonesia’s Agricultural Sector.”
Professor Sugiyanto discussed the evolution of Indonesia’s rice agriculture policies from 1960 to 2020 in his speech.
He described the various agricultural policies and programs implemented by the government since 1960, ranging from the Green Revolution during Soekarno’s era to REPELITA during Soeharto’s administration.
Professor Mubyarto was one of the FEB UGM economists who significantly influenced the implementation of these programs and policies. His ideas laid the foundation for strategic changes in the late 1960s effort to increase rice production through the Green Revolution.
“Economists emphasize the importance of the interaction between policy, technology, risk, and economic incentives in the success of agricultural development in Indonesia,” he explained.
Author: Tiefany
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Post-editor: Afif