Reinforcing the immune system is one way to prevent contracting the Coronavirus (COVID-19). In addition to maintaining a healthy diet and life, basking in the sun believed can maintain body immunity.
Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM, Prof.dr. Madarina Julia, Sp. A (K), MPH., Ph.D., said that the human body needs sunlight to help increase the production of vitamin D in the body. This sunlight is the primary source of natural vitamin D, while very little comes from food.
“Vitamin D also has immunomodulatory effects that can improve the body’s immune system,” she explained on Tuesday (31/3).
This immune system is the body’s defense against viruses and bacteria that cause disease. Meanwhile, if the body lacks vitamin D, it can inhibit growth and be susceptible to viruses or bacteria.
Then, when is the right time to sunbathe to get enough sun exposure? Madarina explained that the adequate sunbathing time is when the body’s shadow is shorter than height, while the recommended sunbathing time is about 10 to 15 minutes.
“The time can start from 10:00 to 15:00, do not do it earlier because the exposure to the sun is not enough,” she said.
Besides, in the morning, the air atmosphere is not right, especially in big cities with high pollution levels. Many pollutants such as heavy metals still concentrated close to the surface, which pollutes the air in the morning.
When sunbathing, he recommends direct skin exposed to sunlight. The use of hats, sunscreen, and clothing are blocking sun exposure to the surface.
“At least the hands and feet exposed to sunlight. The veiled face is also exposed enough to be exposed to sunlight,” Madarina explained.
So that sunbathing is not dull, Madarina said that sunbathing is not a single activity, we can get sunlight with other activities such as gardening, lifting clothesline, and others in direct contact with sunlight.
She said the sun’s rays were not only effective at boosting body immunity. However, in several studies mentioned that sufficient sun exposure causes the virus more difficult to survive in hot weather.
Author; Ika
Translator: Natasa A