During a visit to Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) on 18 December 2019, Research and Technology Minister/Head of National Research and Innovation Agency, Bambang Brodjonegoro, came to the UGM Science Techno Park (UGM STP) to see health innovative products of UGM.
The Minister was accompanied by Deputy Ministers, Muhammad Dimyati and Jumain Ape. The entourage was received by Rector of UGM Panut Mulyono, Vice-Rectors Paripurna Sugarda and Ika Dewi Ana, Secretary Gugup Kismono, and Director of Business Development and Incubation, Hargo Utomo.
According to Hargo Utomo, the interest from the Minister in the STP was not apart from the fact that health has become one of the focuses of innovative development of UGM. To answer to the need of applicative, efficient, simple, and cheap health devices, UGM has made devices such as NPC Strip to detect nasopharynx cancer. With this device, it is expected that patients can learn the cancer early to enable healing and reduce fatality rates.
Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro appreciated UGM for these health products. He also showed great interest in the development of the UGM STP by asking Director of PT Swayasa Prakarsa, Bondan Ardiningtyas (main tenant of UGM STP), whether Swayasa Prakarsa has been supported by the National Agency of Drug and Food or Health Ministry.
The big opportunity in the health innovative products is expected to be used nationally or even for export purposes.