Twelve students of Ehime University, Japan, have arrived to join the KKN PPM UGM (UGM’s Community Empowerment Program Field Practice), on 5-14 August 2009.
Campus Info
UGM received the visit of 10 members of US delegation at the Multimedia Room, Central Office, UGM, Wednesday (29/7).
Rector of UGM Prof. Sudjarwadi accepted the visit of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Rector Prof.
Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Recapital Foundation have agreed to cooperate in education field, by giving scholarships for students.
Even though the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia is not at its best condition lately, especially because of the Ambalat case, it doesn’t prevent universities from both cou...
The rector of UGM Prof. Sudjarwadi along with several Dean and staffs accepted the visit from delegation of International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) N...
Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and PT Indosat Tbk signed the letter of agreement for corporate social responsibility (CSR) program cooperation.
The Rector of UGM and CEO of Primatama Karyapersada have agreed to cooperate in providing service for the society and the nation on Tuesday (2/6).
31 youngsters from Australia and Indonesia participated in the Indonesian-Australian youngsters’ organization delegation meeting forum, entitled “Heart and Minds Indonesian-Aus...
In order to improve the involvement of industries in the research activities in universities, UNESCO Jakarta Office cooperating with LPPM UGM held Expert Group Meeting on Development of e-L...
Gadjah Mada University and the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology (RISTEK) have agreed to form cooperation on the implementation of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (The Universityââ...
Yogya, KU Sulitnya pemerintah dan lembaga berwenang untuk mengusut dan mengembalikan aset hasil kejahatan korupsi, narkotika, terorisme dan pencucian uang, maka mendesak diperlukannya Undan...